
Assets Management for WordPress

Primary LanguagePHP

rtBiz Assets

The objective of this plugin is to help a business in its assets/hardware/inventory management.

Fields required:

  • Device ID
  • Device Type (CPU, RAM, CD ROM, Mother Board, Keyboard, Mouse, Phone, iPad, Laptop, Router, Printer)
  • Serial Number
  • Device Name
  • Current User (Assigned To)
  • Vendor
  • Invoice Number
  • Purchase Date
  • Warranty
  • Expiry Date
  • Comments
  • Device Image

Device Status

Post status to be used for representing Device status. List below:

  • Assigned - Device healthy and is assigned to a user.
  • Unassigned - Device healthy and is not assigned to any user.
  • Faulty/Broken - Unassigned Device, not healthy, needs replacement
  • NeedFix - Assigned Device, not healthy, needs replacement
  • Expired - Device is out of warranty


  • Current user will be the author of the post.
  • Category for device types - Taxanomy.
  • Invetory management.
  • Vendor & Current User will be mapped to rt-Biz contacts.
  • CPT support for featured image and comments.
  • Device ID will be post ID.
  • Find a solution for bundling.
    • Post Hierchy to be used for bundling.
    • A device, e.g. Hard disk, can be made child post of a Cabinet Parent post.