
A toy example on how to use py_AFF3CT and integrate your own C++ modules.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A toy example on how to use py_AFF3CT and integrate your own C++ modules.

Compile the project

First, compile py_AFF3CT se documentation here

Compile the custom library:

$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. -G"Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Wall -funroll-loops -march=native -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -faligned-new"
$ make -j4

Organization of this repository

The src/cpp folder contains all that is required to build your own C++ extension of py_AFF3CT.

Sources of custom modules

The subfolder src/cpp/module contains the code of custom modules (here some filters are developped). Note that the mother Filter class inherits from the AFF3CT class aff3ct::module::Module.

class Filter : public Module, public tools::Interface_reset

Sources the wrapper

The "glue" between C++ code and Python is contained in src/cpp/Wrapper/wrapper.cpp. For example, the Filter class is wrapped here

py::class_<aff3ct::module::Filter<float>>(m_filter,"Filter", py_aff3ct_module)		.def(py::init<const int, const int>(), "N"_a, "N_fil"_a);

the line

.def(py::init<const int, const int>(), "N"_a, "N_fil"_a);

wraps the constructor for the Filter class.

Use your custom library

To have an example on how to use the custom modules and the py_AFF3CT modules jointly, see the main notebook here.