Subscription Pack Builder

This tool allows you to dynamically add and remove subscription packages and their features. Added subscription packages and their features are saved as a JSON data which can later be used on different platforms.


  • Dynamic addition & removal of packages and features
  • Automatic JSON data generation
  • Manual JSON data updating
  • Responsive design with Bootstrap


  1. Clone the project from Github: git clone
  2. Run the project on your local server.


  1. Add New Package: Click on the "Add New Package" button to add a new subscription package.
  2. Add New Feature: Click on the "Add New Feature" button to add a new feature.
  3. Update JSON: Click on the "Update Table" button to manually update the existing table.

Additional Information

  • To delete a package or feature, simply add <button class="btn btn-danger" onclick="deleteFunction(this)">Delete</button> inside the relevant <td>.
  • To fetch the generated data, there's a hidden input with the id jsonData. This input stores the JSON version of the generated table.


This project is open source. To contribute:

  1. Fork the project.
  2. Clone it: git clone []
  3. Create a new branch: git checkout -b [branch-adınız]
  4. Make your changes and commit: git commit -am 'Description about the changes
  5. Push your branch: git push origin [branch-adınız]
  6. Create a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. For more information, see the LICENSE file.