
Primary LanguagePythonMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


How to set up a syncing database:

  1. Create a new database in Notion, and set the Status property. This is manual because the API doesn't support adding or modifying the Status property on a database.
  2. Attach the MZLA Integrations app under Connections in the ... menu, otherwise the script won't be able to access the database.
  3. Get the database id from the URL. It's the string after /mzthunderbird/ not including the query params.
  4. Create a new file similar to the existing bz_notion_sync.py and write the API integration logic.

Currently, a Bugzilla API key, GitHub API key, and the Notion integration secret for MZLA Integrations are required to run this script.


libs/notion_data.py contains classes and utilities for adding and updating Notion database pages and properties.

This contains two main classes:

  • NotionDatabase: Defines a Notion database, along wih its properties and a remotely tied Notion client used for CRUD operations.
  • NotionProperty: Defines a generic Notion property, including functions to return the right data for updating content and the property itself.

Bugzilla Sync

  • libs/bzhelper.py contains helper functions and utilities for connecting to Bugzilla and syncing Bugzilla -> Notion.
  • bzsettings.py contains Notion database properties and bugzilla fields that are used by sync process.
  • bz_notion_sync.py is used to run the sync code.

GitHub Issues Sync

  • libs/ghhelper.py contains helper functions and utilities for connecting to GitHub and syncing to Notion.
  • ghsettings.py contains the repo list, db properties and other basic settings.
  • gh_notion_sync.py is used to run the sync code.