
Experiments with Thunderbird and the SUMO aka Kitsune API

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Experiments with Thunderbird and the SUMO aka Kitsune API

2024-06-24 Get all the Firefox Desktop revisions

 mlr --headerless-csv-output --csv cut -f slug firefox-kb-title-slug-all-articles.csv | \
./get-revisions-sumo-kb-urls.rb > firefox-revisions.csv

2024-06-24 Count all the Thunderbird revisions by creator

roland@Rolands-MacBook-Pro rt-kits-tb-api % mlr --csv count-distinct -f creator then sort -nr count \

2024-06-23 How To get all the Thunderbird revisions

mlr --headerless-csv-output --csv cut -f slug thunderbird-kb-title-slug-all-articles-details.csv | \
./get-revisions-sumo-kb-urls.rb > thunderbird-revisions.csv

2024-04-01 remove all non Thunderbird URLs

./remove-non-thunderbird-lines.rb thunderbird-localized-sumo-kb-article-slugs.csv just-pageviews-2024-04-01-GA-jan1-dec31-2023-top5000-pageviews.csv

2024-03-31 how to get all the Thunderbird localized URLs

 mlr --headerless-csv-output --csv cut -f slug thunderbird-kb-title-slug-all-articles-details.csv \
| ./get-localized-sumo-kb-urls.rb > thunderbird-localized-sumo-kb-article-slugs.csv

2024-03-24 how to search thunderbird-kb-title-slug-all-articles-details.csv

2023-03-31 Better way to produce thunderbird-kb-title-slug-all-articles-details.csv!

 mlr --csv filter '$products_str =~ "thunderbird"' details-allproducts-kb-title-slug-all-articles.csv \
> thunderbird-kb-title-slug-all-articles-details.csv

2024-03-24 manual way: how to produce thunderbird-kb-title-slug-all-articles-details.csv

select id, title, slug, url, locale, summary, html, products_str, topics_str \
from [details-allproducts-kb-title-slug-all-articles] where "products_str" like :p0 order by rowid 

and then save as thunderbird-kb-title-slug-all-articles-details.csv which you can load into sqlite using datasette and search it

To count the number of filtered records!

roland@Rolands-MacBook-Pro rt-kits-tb-api % mlr --csv filter '$products_str =~ "thunderbird"' then count details-allproducts-kb-title-slug-all-articles.csv                      

2023-08-01 get articles for all products and search for "firefox account"

# the above script creates: allproducts-kb-title-slug-all-articles.csv
 ./get-kb-article-detailed-list.rb allproducts-kb-title-slug-all-articles.csv
# resulting file is: details-allproducts-kb-title-slug-all-articles.csv

2023-08-01 get all desktop articles and search for "Firefox accounts"

# changed API delay to 10 seconds to prevent dreaded 429 error code
# changed API delay to 5 seconds 
 ./get-kb-article-detailed-list.rb firefox-kb-title-slug-all-articles.csv
# resulting file is: details-firefox-kb-title-slug-all-articles.csv

2023-05-14 How to get questions with answers after my latest answer and open in a web browser

  • Not perfect (only handles your last 20 answers, only handles 1 page of answers, doesn't handle where you answer more than once and other edge cases :-) ~!)
mlr --csv head -n 20 rtanglao-answers.csv | ./get-questions-with-answers-after-my-last-answer.rb 2>/tmp/rtlogfile | xargs -n 1 open

2023-05-13 How to get answers by creator

./get-answers-by-creator.rb rtanglao

2023-05-13 How to use SQLite to search all the Firefox and Thunderbird kb articles including the HTML (sadly Markdown not available)

2023-05-13 get all the Firefox kb articles


The following creates: details-firefox-kb-title-slug-all-articles.csv

./get-kb-article-detailed-list.rb firefox-kb-title-slug-all-articles.csv

2023-04-23 get fixed random 2 questions

brew install coreutils to get shuf and gshuf on macOS

. ./get-fixed-random.sh
cd 2023
# `42` is the fixed seed
mlr -s ../get-unanswered.mlr 2023-04-20-2023-04-20-thunderbird-creator-answers-desktop-all-locales.csv | \
shuf -n 2 --random-source=<(get_fixed_random 42) | xargs -n 1 open

2023-04-22 open unanswered thunderbird questions in Firefox

cd 2023
mlr -s ../get-unanswered.mlr 2023-04-20-2023-04-20-thunderbird-creator-answers-desktop-all-locales.csv | xargs -n 1 open

2023-04-16 add link field using mlr

  • The following command line snippet generates thunderbird-kb-title-slug-all-articles-details-with-link-without-html.csv
  • \x27 is a single quotation mark, \x22 i.e. " does NOT work (adds two quotation marks instead of one!) for some strange reason. bug?
mlr --csv put -f make-bare-link.mlr thunderbird-kb-title-slug-all-articles-details-without-html.csv \
> thunderbird-kb-title-slug-all-articles-details-with-link-without-html.csv

2023-04-16 Get a summary article list and then a detailed list and and then delete the html column in order to import into a spreadsheet

  • 0. (brew install miller on macOS)

  • 1. Get kb article summary list

 # creates thunderbird-kb-title-slug-all-articles.csv
  • 2. Get kb article detailed list
# creates thunderbird-kb-title-slug-all-articles-details.csv
./get-kb-article-detailed-list.rb thunderbird-kb-title-slug-all-articles.csv
  • 3. Count the number of articles
mlr --csv count thunderbird-kb-title-slug-all-articles-details.csv # wc -l is incorrect due to the html field
  • 4. Delete HTML column
# creates thunderbird-kb-title-slug-all-articles-details-without-html.csv
mlr --csv cut -x -f html thunderbird-kb-title-slug-all-articles-details.csv > \
