This project can be run using Visual Studio 2017 or later, or VSCode.
Initial data, as described in the exercise, was added in memory using EF Core InMemoryDatabase.
Swagger can be used for testing, discovering models and all available services, or, if you prefer, can use a client for HTTP requests, such as Postman and SoapUI.
Brief description of the services and their methods developed for this application example.
generate authorization token, used to access specific methods
POST /api/Auth
describes the cost and time from one point to another.
GET /api/Paths
POST /api/Paths
GET /api/Paths/{id}
PUT /api/Paths/{id}
DELETE /api/Paths/{id}
information for each storage point.
GET /api/Points
POST /api/Points
GET /api/Points/{id}
PUT /api/Points/{id}
DELETE /api/Points/{id}
describes the set of paths, which constitute a route.
GET /api/Routes
GET /api/Routes/{origin}/{destiny}/{type}
pointId integer($int32)
name* string maxLength: 1
pathId integer($int32)
origin* Point
originId integer($int32)
destiny* Point
destinyId integer($int32)
routeId integer($int32)
cost* integer($int32)
time* integer($int32)
pathId* integer($int32)
path* Path
username string
password string
role string
- Repository pattern
- Inversion of control and dependency injection
- Single responsability principle
- ASP.NET Core 2.1
- Entity Framework Core 2.1
- XUnit Core 2.1
- Swashbuckle.AspNetCore 3.0
- Newtonsoft.Json 11.0
- FluentAssertions 5.4
- coverlet.msbuild 3.2
If you find a bug or have a feature request, please report them at this repository's issues section. Contributions are highly welcome, however except for very small changes, kindly file an issue and let's have a discussion before you open a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.