
Catamyst Frontend Stack - Discussion and demo for Frontend Web Development with Modern Tech Stack

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Catamyst Frontend Stack

Discussion and demo for Frontend Web Development with Modern Tech Stack.

Made by M Haidar Hanif from Catamyst. Haidar is the Founder and Mentor of Catamyst, helping people in web development, software engineering, interface design, product management, and tech business.

Table of Contents



CodePolitan × Catamyst Bootcamp

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Join Full Bootcamp for 30 sessions: https://catamyst.codepolitan.com

  • Including the live mentorship sessions, full materials, practice with real projects, discussion/QA outside the sessions, certificate, long term career support, and more.
  • Syllabus: https://a.catamyst.com/codepolitan-silabus
  • Discount Coupons: HAIDAR / KRESNA for IDR 500,000

Join Mini Bootcamp (Trial Class) for 1 session: https://a.catamyst.com/codepolitan-mini

Roles and Career Path

  • UI Designer/Developer/Engineer
  • UX Designer/Developer/Engineer
  • Web Developer/Designer
  • Frontend Developer/Designer
  • Frontend Engineer
  • Software Engineer
  • Business Analyst
  • R&D (Research/Development) Developer/Engineer
  • VP (Vice President) of Engineering -> Technical
  • VP of User Experience -> Technical
  • CTO (Chief Technology Officer) -> Management
  • CDO (Chief Design Officer) -> Management

Preferred Stack

  • Google Chrome / Brave / Firefox / Edge
  • Figma
  • Whimsical
  • Warp
  • Raycast
  • VS Code
  • Markdown + Markdoc / MDX
  • MIT License
  • HTML
  • CSS + Tailwind CSS
  • TypeScript/JavaScript
    • Zod / Yup
    • dayjs + date-fns
  • Node.js + npm
    • Volta / asdf
  • Vite / esbuild + swc / Webpack
  • React
    • Remix
    • Next.js
    • Vite + React Router / wouter
    • React Hook Form / Formik + Downshift
    • Headless UI + Radix UI + Vechai UI
    • React Native
  • Git + GitHub
    • Git hook with Husky
  • Vercel / Netlify
  • ImageKit
  • Cloudflare
  • Prettier + ESLint + Stylelint
  • Vitest / Jest + testing-library
    • MSW (Mock Service Worker)
    • Falso
  • Playwright
  • Laddle
  • Hoppscotch / Postman / Insomnia
  • REST
    • Axios
    • SWR (stale-while-revalidate)
    • React Query
    • Kontenbase
    • Supabase
  • GraphQL
    • urql / graphql-request
    • Apollo
    • Hygraph (GraphCMS)
    • Payload CMS
  • Prisma ORM + PostgreSQL
  • Nextra Docs
  • Pulsetic + Better Uptime + Instatus
  • Google Analytics 4 + Splitbee + Posthog + Fathom + Pirsch
  • Sentry + Posthog + LogRocket
  • Linear
  • Clockify


  • Web Browser
    • Google Chrome ⭐
    • Brave
    • Firefox
    • Edge
  • UI and UX
    • Sketch
    • Wireframe
    • Mockup
    • Prototype
    • Design System
      • Material Design
      • Apple Human Interface Guidelines (HIG)
  • Design Tools
    • UI
      • Figma ⭐
      • Framer
      • Adobe XD
      • Invision
      • UXPin
    • UX + Business Process/Flow
      • Whimsical ⭐
      • Miro
  • Terminal
    • Warp (Mac) ⭐
    • iTerm (Mac)
    • Hyper.sh (Mac/Linux/Windows) ⭐
    • Terminal (Linux)
    • PowerShell (Windows)
  • Command
    • Raycast (Mac) ⭐
    • Alfred (Mac)
    • Spotlight (Mac)
  • Code Editor
    • Local
      • VS Code ⭐
        • Language Support
        • Color Theme
        • Icon Theme
        • Product Icon
        • File Utils
        • Image Preview
        • Quit Control
      • Atom ⛔
      • Sublime Text
      • JetBrains WebStorm
    • Cloud
      • CodePen ⭐
      • StackBlitz ⭐
      • CodeSandbox
  • Documentation / README
    • Markdown ⭐
      • Format
        • CommonMark
        • Markdoc ⭐
      • Editor
        • StackEdit
        • Dillinger
    • AsciiDoc
    • reStructuredText
    • Textile
    • LaTeX
      • Overleaf
      • Math Formula
  • License
    • ISC (Internet Systems Consortium)
    • MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) ⭐
    • GPL (GNU General Public License)
    • AGPL (GNU Affero General Public License)
    • BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)
    • MPL (Mozilla Public License)
    • CC (Creative Commons) ⭐
  • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
    • DOM (Document Object Model)
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
    • CSS Reset
      • Normalize.css
      • modern-normalize ⭐
    • PostCSS ⭐
      • autoprefixer
  • Tailwind CSS ⭐
    • Bootstrap
    • Material Components
    • Bulma ⛔
    • Foundation ⛔
    • PureCSS ⛔
    • Tailwind + Email = Mailwind
  • JavaScript ⭐
    • jQuery ⛔
    • Zepto ⛔
    • MooTools ⛔
  • TypeScript ⭐
    • DefinitelyTyped
  • Node.js ⭐
    • nvm
    • Volta ⭐
    • asdf
  • npm ⭐
    • pnpm
    • Yarn
  • Build/Bundle
    • Vite ⭐
    • esbuild ⭐
    • Webpack
    • Babel
    • swc ⭐
    • Parcel
    • Gulp
    • Grunt
  • React
    • Plain
    • CRA (Create React App)
    • Vite ⭐
    • GatsbyJS
    • Next.js ⭐
      • NextAuth
    • Remix-React ⭐
    • React Native ⭐
      • Expo ⭐
    • Desktop
      • Electron
      • Tauri ⭐
      • Neutralinojs ⭐
  • Vue
    • Vite ⭐
    • Nuxt.js ⭐
    • Remix-Vue (Soon) ⭐
  • Svelte ⭐
    • SvelteKit ⭐
  • SolidJS
  • Astro
  • Angular
    • AngularJS v1
    • Angular v2+
  • Deno ⭐
    • Fresh ⭐
  • Bun.sh ⭐
  • UI Routing
    • React Router ⭐
    • Reach Router
    • wouter
    • React Location ⭐
  • UI form components
    • React Hook Form ⭐
    • Formik
    • React Form
  • UI unstyled components
    • Headless UI ⭐
    • Radix UI ⭐
    • Reach UI ⭐
    • AriaKit
    • Vechai UI ⭐
  • UI CSS-in-JS components
    • styled-components
    • emotion
    • xstyled
    • Stitches
    • Chakra UI ⭐
    • MUI ⭐
    • NextUI
  • UI components
    • React Table
    • React Charts
    • React Virtual
    • Remotion ⭐
    • Slidev ⭐
    • D3.js ⭐
    • Mermaid.js ⭐
    • p5.js
    • Chart.js
    • Highcharts
    • Three.js ⭐
    • Framer Motion ⭐
    • GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) ⭐
    • React Simple Animate ⭐
    • React Simple Img
    • react-beautiful-dnd
    • kbar
    • Icons
      • react-icons
      • Font Awesome
      • Phospor
    • Animation
      • Framer Motion
      • React Spring
    • Rich Text Editor (RTE)
      • Lexical ⭐
      • Quill.js ⭐
      • Draft.js
      • Slate.js
  • Utilities
    • Data Validation
      • Yup
      • Zod ⭐
    • Date Time
      • date-fns ⭐
      • dayjs ⭐
      • Moment.js
    • Misc
  • State Management
    • Redux
      • Redux Toolkit (RTK)
    • MobX
    • Zustand
    • Recoil
    • XState
  • Web API: REST / GraphQL / tRPC
    • Inspection
      • Hoppscotch ⭐
      • Postman
      • Insomnia
    • Request
      • fetch ⭐
      • Axios ⭐
      • urql ⭐
      • Apollo
      • Relay
  • Source Code Management (SCM) / Version Control System (VCS)
    • Git ⭐
      • Git hook
      • Conventional Commit
      • Commitizen
        • Changelog
    • Mercurial (hg)
  • Code Hosting
    • GitHub ⭐
    • GitLab
    • Bitbucket
  • Deployment
    • GitHub Pages ⭐
    • Vercel ⭐
    • Netlify ⭐
    • Render
    • Fly.io
    • Deno Deploy
    • PaaS (Platform as a Service)
      • Heroku
      • Railway ⭐
      • Amazon EB (Elastic Beanstalk)
      • Google App Engine
    • VPS
      • Digital Ocean (DO)
      • Linode
      • Vultr
      • Amazon Lightsail
      • Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)
      • Google CE (Compute Engine)
    • File Storage & CDN
      • ImageKit ⭐
      • Cloudinary ⭐
      • Upload.io
      • Amazon S3
      • Google CS (Cloud Storage)
      • Azure Blob Storage
    • Video/Streaming Storage
      • Muse.ai
      • YouTube
      • Vimeo
    • CDN
      • Amazon Cloudfront
  • Domain and Network
    • Cloudflare ⭐
    • Google Domains
  • Environment Management
    • Doppler ⭐
  • CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Delivery/Deployment)
    • GitHub Actions ⭐
    • Travis CI
    • CodeFactor
  • Testing
    • Static
      • EditorConfig ⭐
      • Prettier ⭐
        • prettier-plugin-tailwindcss
      • ESLint ⭐
        • eslint-airbnb
      • Stylelint ⭐
    • Suite
      • testing-library ⭐
    • Unit
      • Vitest ⭐
      • Jest
      • Mocha + Chai
    • Functional/Integration
      • Cucumber.js
      • Jest Cucumber
    • End to End
      • Playwright ⭐
      • Cypress
      • Selenium
    • UI / Component / Design System
      • Storybook
      • Laddle ⭐
      • Histoire
    • Mock or Dummy Data
      • MSW (Mock Service Worker) ⭐
        • For 3rd party such as GitHub API, Weather API, Currency API
      • Falso ⭐
      • Faker
  • Documentation
    • Docusaurus
    • Nextra ⭐
    • Slate Docs
  • Status Monitoring
    • Pulsetic ⭐
    • Better Uptime ⭐
    • Instatus ⭐
  • Analytics
    • Google Analytics 4 ⭐
    • Splitbee ⭐
    • Posthog ⭐
    • Pirsch ⭐
    • Fathom ⭐
    • Plausible
    • MixPanel
  • Feature Toggle
    • Growthbook ⭐
    • LaunchDarkly
  • Error Reporting
    • Sentry ⭐
    • LogRocket
    • New Relic
    • Metronome for Remix ⭐
  • Dependency Monitoring
    • DepFu ⭐
    • Snyk ⭐
  • BaaS (Backend as a Service) / CMS (Content Management System)
    • REST
      • Kontenbase ⭐
      • Firebase
      • Supabase ⭐
      • DatoCMS
    • GraphQL
      • Hygraph (GraphCMS) ⭐
      • Payload CMS ⭐
    • Misc
      • Netlify CMS
      • Sanity
  • Web3
    • RainbowKit ⭐
    • Ethers.js
  • Development Workflow
    • TDD (Test-Driven Development)
    • ATDD (Acceptance Test-Driven Development)
    • BDD (Behavior Driven Development)
    • DDD (Domain-Driven Development)

Extra Stack

  • Other things and legacy
    • Web Components
    • CoffeeScript
    • Elm
  • Other languages for JS tooling
    • Rust
    • Zig
  • Other libraries
  • Semantic Versioning (major.minor.patch)
  • Accessibility (a11y)
    • The A11Y Project
    • Accessibility (aria, accessible components)
  • Performance
    • lighthouse
    • rail
    • prpl
    • hydration
    • ssr/csr
  • Internationalization (i18n)
  • Localization (l10n)
  • Email
    • Marketing
      • ConvertKit ⭐
      • Bento Marketing
    • Transactional
      • EmailJS ⭐
  • Payment
    • Gumroad ⭐
  • Chat Box / CRM
    • Hubspot CRM ⭐
    • Crisp ⭐
    • Chatwoot
    • Front
    • Tidio
  • Monorepo
    • Turborepo
    • Nx
    • Bazel
  • Containerization
    • Docker

Work Stack

  • Project Management
    • Linear ⭐
    • Atlassian Jira
    • Trello
    • Asana
    • Basecamp
  • Time Tracking
    • Clockify ⭐
    • Toggl

People to Follow


  • M Haidar Hanif - The author of this repo
  • Brendan Eich - JavaScript
  • Ryan Dahl - Node.js & Deno
  • Jarred Sumner - Bun.sh
  • Eric Elliott
  • Douglas Crockford
  • Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
  • Kyle Simpson
  • Nicholas C. Zakas
  • Marijn Haverbeke
  • Tom Preston-Werner (mojombo) - GitHub & Redwood
  • Sid Sijbrandij - GitLab
  • DHH - Rails & Basecamp
  • Dylan Field - Figma
  • Kent C. Dodds - Epic React
  • Ryan Florence - Remix & React Router
  • Michael Jackson - Remix & React Router
  • John Lindquist - Egghead.io
  • Quincy Larson - freeCodeCamp
  • Ben Halpern - DEV.to & Forem
  • Theo Browne (t3)
  • Ben Awad
  • Jeff Delaney (fireship)
  • Tanner Linsley
  • Jared Palmer
  • Shawn swyx Wang
  • Sindre Sorhus
  • mrdoob
  • Dan Abramov
  • Evan You
  • Wes Bos
  • Scott Tolinski
  • Chris Sev
  • Florin Pop
  • Mattias Petter Johansson (mpj) - Fun Fun Function
  • Pieter Levels - Bangkok/Bali
  • Jon Yongfook - Bali
  • Fabrizio Rinaldi
  • Dan Rowden (dr)
  • Max Stoiber
  • Timo Lins & Tobias Lins
  • Damon Chen
  • Tony Dinh
  • Cassidy Williams (cassidoo)
  • Jason Lengstorf
  • Robin Wieruch
  • Adam Wathan
  • Simon Høiberg
  • Simon Sturmer
  • Simon "Swiss" Vrachliotis
  • Adrian Twarog
  • Guillermo Rauch
  • Lee Robinson
  • Brian Lovin
  • Addy Osmani
  • Paul Irish
  • Eric Bidelman
  • Sara Soueidan
  • Josh W Comeau
  • Sergio Xalambrí
  • Segun Adebayo
  • Ant Wilson
  • Paul Copplestone (kiwicopple)
  • Jon Meyers
  • Chance Strickland
  • Brian Holt
  • Arisa Fukuzaki
  • Alex Johansson
  • Ben Holmes
  • Paco Coursey
  • Jesse Hanley
  • Karri Saarinen
  • Tuomas Artman
  • Jori Lallo
  • Tomek Sułkowski (sulco) - StackBlitz
  • Peter Cilliers-Pistorius
  • Adam Argyle
  • Pedro Duarte
  • Nikolas Burk
  • Amelia Wattenberger
  • Tom Hirst
  • Ryan Chenkie
  • Kenneth Cassel
  • Todd Motto
  • Marc Kohlbrugge
  • Nadia Laasri
  • Annie Bombanie
  • Danny Postma - Bali
  • Meng To
  • Gregg Pollack
  • Mehul Mohan
  • Andrei Neagoie
  • Moshfegh Hamedani
  • Courtland Allen
  • Ryan Hoover
  • Revel Carlberg West
  • Will Johnson (willjohnsonio)
  • Ahmad Awais
  • Maedah Batool
  • Mohd Danish Yusuf
  • Fajar Siddiq
  • Jecelyn Yeen (jecfish)
  • Henry Lim (henrylim96)
  • Jack “The Comeback Kid” McDade
  • bluebill1049 - React Hook Form (RHF)
  • An / Anton Röhm / AnTheMaker
  • Coder Coder
  • Bereket
  • devUdara


  • Rahman Fadhil (rahmanfadhil14)
  • Ariya Hidayat
  • Sonny Lazuardi
  • Zain Fathoni
  • R Adysurya Agus
  • Resi "resir014" Respati
  • Sastra Panca Nababan
  • Irfan "Mazipan" Maulana
  • Sandhika Galih
  • Ahmad Oriza & Toni Haryanto
  • Jihad D. Waspada
  • Muh Isfhani Ghiath (isfaaghyth)
  • Yohan Totting
  • Riza Fahmi
  • Muhammad "Odi" Mustadi (mathdroid)
  • Theodorus Clarence
  • Griko Nibras
  • Philip Young
  • Yuma Soerianto
  • Indra Gunawan
