

  • game will have at max 2 players and so no has_many association between game and players
  • Whoever accesss the show game page will join game if slot is available
  • any other person who visit game show page after no slots available can observe the game
  • First move of the game will be by the same user who create the game
  • player can manually abandone or stop the game
  • player should get realtime updates, which is implemented using action cable
  • core processes of gameplay are implemented using interactor gem, and so majority of validation are imlemented inside interactor class. Ideally there should be validation on model class

Front end

  • authentication is implemented using default devise views which are not in reactjs
  • Game lisiting is implemented using Redux/kea js was it required ? Not really, I always wanted to check keajs and it was a good opportunity
  • actioncable in react is implemented iusing react-actioncable-provider library
  • useSwr is used to make fetch logic simpler
  • Used react-bootstrap only for making TicTacToe grid


  • specs are implementes using rspec/factory_bot/shoulda_matchers
  • Not many rspecs have been added due to time constraints
  • although specs for whole gameplay are implemented. check file: game_spec.rb (Not ideal place)

Things to improve

  • Api seggregation currently all api are in game_controller. ideally gameplay_Attempt creation should've been in a separate controller called gameplay_attempts_controller. Although that controller would've had only one action and so for simplicity purspose I didn't create separate controller
  • Api error handling
  • use serializer for api responses
  • use constants instead of hardcoded strings for status and error messages
  • use constants instead of hardcoded grid spot numbers for game
  • implement spec for frontend using react testing library
  • starter and participator player should be abstracted as player and overall logic should be implemented for a player
  • spec for controllers.

Observation and learning

  • A nice coding challenge which covers full stack
  • Keajs makes it much easier to work with redux - Used for first time
  • actionvable worked nicely - Used for first time
  • interactor gem can work very nicely if you application is about processes - Used for first time It simplifies the whole controller logic.

Things I'm not happy about

  • passing whole game state after every attempt
  • game state logic can be moved to a different service
  • should've validations at model level
  • Keajs has some additional api in latest version which makes fetching data much more easier, using that will reduce readux upto a large extent
  • Should create a separate file for all api in react frontend.