
Thoughts on an undergraduate major in data science at U of Denver

DU Data Science

Thoughts on an undergraduate major in data science at U of Denver

Learning Objectives

  1. Statistical acumen
    • Statistics and Probability at "baby" Casella/Berger level
    • Full quarter of regression at a minimum
    • Observational vs Experimental studies (causal inference)
  2. Computational skills
    • Focus on using computers as an integral tool
    • Fundamental computing concepts such as loops, iterators, memory allocation, etc.
    • python based relying on Jupyter notebooks
  3. Ethical, data-driven decision making

Market Research

To do:

  1. Job market
  2. Prep for grad school

DU Constituents

Which departments/groups at DU should be included in DS conversations?

  1. Computer Science
  2. Business Information and Analytics
  3. Mathematics
  4. Geography
  5. Emergent Digital Practices
  6. Others
    • Biology
    • Physics
    • RMS
    • ??

Other Universities

  1. Penn State
    • Intercollege major in data science that includes statistics, computer science, and information sciences
  2. Duke University
    • Interdepartmenal major including stats and CS
  3. UC Berkeley
    • Maybe the gold standard
  4. Loyola Chicago
    • Comparable in size to DU
  5. Colorado State University
    • Just in the College of Natural Sciences with Math, Stats, and CS
    • Obviously the proximinity to DU is a little troubling
  6. University of British Columbia
  7. Johns Hopkins