
Repo for algorithm and data structure exercises in python 3

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Algorithm & datastructures in Python

Repo for algorithm and data structure exercises in python 3


  • Linked list
  • Stack
  • Queue
  • Binary tree
  • Binary search tree
  • Binomial tree
  • Hash table
  • Directed/Undirected graph
  • Binary heap
  • Binomial heap
  • Fibonacci heap
  • 2D Point
  • Union find


  • Heap/Insertion/Merge/Quick/Radix sort
  • Quick select
  • Infix to postfix
  • Event queue
  • BFS cycle detection
  • Maximum flow (ford_fulkerson)
  • Minimum spanning tree (kruskal/prim)
  • Shortest path (dijkstra/floyd warshal)
  • Strongly connected components (tarjan)
  • Topological sort (kahn)
  • Convex hull (jarvis/graham)
  • Base conversion
  • Exponentiation by squaring
  • Fast fourier transform
  • Knutt Moris Pratt string searching
  • Nth Fibonacci calculation using matrix factorization
  • Skyline problem