PySofia is a python wrapper around the methods present in the C++ sofia-ml library. These include Stochastic Gradient Descent implementations of some ranking algorithms, notably RankSVM.
- cython >= 0.17
- numpy
- sklearn >= 0.15
- six
- enum34 (for Python versions before 3.4)
- A C++ compiler (gcc will do)
You will not need to install sofia-ml since it is incuded in this distribution
$ pip install pysofia
Trains a model using stochastic gradient descent. See docstring for more details.
pysofia.compat.RankSVM implements an estimator following the conventions used in scikit-learn.
Check out the latest version at github:
Apache License 2.0
PySofia is the work of Fabian Pedregosa, currently maintained by Roman Yurchak. The sofia-ml library is written by D. Sculley.