temporary resting place for wheelchair configurator

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

WheelChair Rx

An app that helps fit wheelchairs to the needs of patients.


This is NOT free software. WheelChair Rx is distributed as shareware. Contact Dr. Jill McNitt-Gray at the University of Southern California for licensing information.

Source code copyright © 2014 Ryan Hewitt, Michael C. Hogan, Dr. Jill McNitt-Gray, Ian Russell. All rights reserved.

Images copyright © 2014 Ramiro Cazaux, Dr. Jill McNitt-Gray, Ian Russell. All rights reserved.

Install the Chrome Extension

WheelChair Rx is deployed as a Chrome Extension compatible with either the open source Chromium browser or Google Chrome.

  1. Open the open source Chromium browser or Google Chrome
  2. Navigate to the Chrome Web Store.
  3. Click Free and Add to install the Chrome app.
  4. Navigate to chrome://apps/ to confirm the extension has been installed.

Try it first at GitHub.io

Coming soon!

Use WcRx

  1. Open the open source Chromium browser or Google Chrome.
  2. Navigate to chrome://apps/.
  3. Click the WCRX icon to delete the extension.

Uninstall the Chrome Extension

  1. Open the open source Chromium browser or Google Chrome.
  2. Navigate to chrome://extensions/.
  3. Click the Trash Can icon to delete the extension.

Help make WCRX Better

Build WCRX for the first time

  1. Fork the primary GitHub repo
  2. Clone your forked repository to your local development machine
  3. Install Node.js
  4. Use Node Package Manager (NPM) that is included with Node.js to install Bower, and Grunt
npm install -g bower # may need to run as sudo
npm install -g grunt-cli # may need to run as sudo
  1. Navigate to the WCRX directory on your local development machine and run bower install and the directoy js/libs/ will be created with the required dependencies for running WCRX.
  2. Run npm install to install the Grunt task runner.
  3. Run grunt jst to compile the WCRX view templates.
  4. You may now open WCRX/index.html with Chrome or Chromium and use a typical web development workflow to update and test changes to the application.

Create and Test a Chrome Web App Extension

  1. Read all steps below before attempting this the first time. Step 6 will open a full screen window and you'll need to understand how to regain control of Chrome after that window opens.
  2. Open Chromium (or Google Chrome).
  3. Navigate to chrome://extensions/
  4. Enable Developer Mode by checking the corresponding checkbox.
  5. Click Load unpacked extension... and select the WCRX directory. You will see WCRX added to your list of extensions.
  6. Click Launch to open the application.
  7. Press the Esc key to exit full screen.
  8. Enlarge the application window to your desired size, while keeping the App in windowed mode.
  9. Right click and choose Inspect element... to launch Chrome developer tools.
  10. Use the Chrome JavaScript console to debug WCRX.

Submit a Pull Request to the Primary GitHub Repository

Coming soon...

Sync your copy with the Primary GitHub Repository

See these helpful responses on Stack Overflow

Publish to the Chrome Web Application Store

  1. Run WCRX/bin/compile-and-build.sh to build the Chrome App and a WCRX/build/ directory will be added to your project space. The directory will include WCRX.zip, the bundled Chrome Application.
  2. More steps coming soon...

Dependencies managed with Bower

  • "jquery": "1.11"
  • "jquery-ui": "1.11.1"
  • "underscore": "1.6.0"
  • "backbone": "1.1.2"
  • "requirejs": "2.1.6"

Dependencies included in Repo

  • "box2dweb": "2.1.a.3.min"
  • "jquery.customSelect": "0.5.1"