
Lightweight toolset for creating concurrent networking systems for multiplayer games

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The library is no longer in active public development, all futher work moved to private, this repository turned into read-only mode for historical reference. Thanks to all supporters and contributors.

Lightweight toolset for creating concurrent networking systems for multiplayer games.

NetStack is self-contained and has no dependencies.


  • Buffers
  • Compression
  • Serialization
  • Threading
    • Array queue
      • Single-producer single-consumer first-in-first-out non-blocking queue
    • Concurrent buffer
      • Multi-producer multi-consumer first-in-first-out non-blocking queue
    • Concurrent pool
      • Self-stabilizing semi-lockless circular buffer
  • Unsafe
    • Fast memory copying

NetStack utilized in various prototypes (1, 2) of the high-performance networking systems.


By default, all scripts are compiled for .NET Framework 3.5. Define NET_4_6 directive to build the assembly for .NET Framework 4.6 or higher. Define NET_STANDARD_2_0 to build the assembly for .NET Core 2.1 or higher.

Define NETSTACK_INLINING to enable aggressive inlining for performance critical functionality.

Define NETSTACK_SPAN to enable support for Span.

Define NETSTACK_BUFFERS_LOG to enable buffers logging.


Thread-safe buffers pool:
// Create a new array pool with a maximum size of 1024 bytes per array, 50 arrays per bucket
ArrayPool<byte> buffers = ArrayPool<byte>.Create(1024, 50);

// Rent buffer from the pool with a minimum size of 64 bytes, the returned buffer might be larger
byte[] buffer = buffers.Rent(64);

// Do some stuff
byte data = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++) {
	buffer[i] = data++;

// Return buffer back to the pool
Concurrent objects pool:
// Define a message object
class MessageObject {
	public uint id;
	public byte[] data;

// Create a new objects pool with 8 objects in the head
ConcurrentPool messages = new ConcurrentPool<MessageObject>(8, () => new MessageObject());

// Acquire an object in the pool
MessageObject message = messages.Acquire();

// Do some stuff
message.id = 1;
message.data = buffers.Rent(64);

byte data = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++) {
	message.data[i] = data++;


// Release pooled object
Concurrent objects buffer:
// Create a new concurrent buffer limited to 8192 cells
ConcurrentBuffer conveyor = new ConcurrentBuffer(8192);

// Enqueue an object

// Dequeue object
MessageObject message = (MessageObject)conveyor.Dequeue();
Compress float:
// Compress data
ushort compressedSpeed = HalfPrecision.Compress(speed);

// Decompress data
float speed = HalfPrecision.Decompress(compressedSpeed);
Compress vector:
// Create a new BoundedRange array for Vector3 position, each entry has bounds and precision
BoundedRange[] worldBounds = new BoundedRange[3];

worldBounds[0] = new BoundedRange(-50f, 50f, 0.05f); // X axis
worldBounds[1] = new BoundedRange(0f, 25f, 0.05f); // Y axis
worldBounds[2] = new BoundedRange(-50f, 50f, 0.05f); // Z axis

// Compress position data
CompressedVector3 compressedPosition = BoundedRange.Compress(position, worldBounds);

// Read compressed data
Console.WriteLine("Compressed position - X: " + compressedPosition.x + ", Y:" + compressedPosition.y + ", Z:" + compressedPosition.z);

// Decompress position data
Vector3 decompressedPosition = BoundedRange.Decompress(compressedPosition, worldBounds);
Compress quaternion:
// Compress rotation data
CompressedQuaternion compressedRotation = SmallestThree.Compress(rotation);

// Read compressed data
Console.WriteLine("Compressed rotation - M: " + compressedRotation.m + ", A:" + compressedRotation.a + ", B:" + compressedRotation.b + ", C:" + compressedRotation.c);

// Decompress rotation data
Quaternion rotation = SmallestThree.Decompress(compressedRotation);
Serialize/deserialize data:
// Create a new bit buffer with 1024 chunks, the buffer can grow automatically if required
BitBuffer data = new BitBuffer(1024);

// Fill bit buffer and serialize data to a byte array

// Get a length of actual data in bit buffer for sending through the network
Console.WriteLine("Data length: " + data.Length);

// Reset bit buffer for further reusing

// Deserialize data from a byte array
data.FromArray(buffer, length);

// Unload bit buffer in the same order
uint peer = data.ReadUInt();
string name = data.ReadString();
bool accelerated = data.ReadBool();
ushort speed = data.ReadUShort();
CompressedVector3 position = new CompressedVector3(data.ReadUInt(), data.ReadUInt(), data.ReadUInt());
CompressedQuaternion rotation = new CompressedQuaternion(data.ReadByte(), data.ReadShort(), data.ReadShort(), data.ReadShort());

// Check if bit buffer is fully unloaded
Console.WriteLine("Bit buffer is empty: " + data.IsFinished);
Abstract data serialization with Span:
// Create a one-time allocation buffer pool
static class BufferPool {
	private static BitBuffer bitBuffer;

	public static BitBuffer GetBitBuffer() {
		if (bitBuffer == null)
			bitBuffer = new BitBuffer(1024);

		return bitBuffer;

// Define a networking message
struct MessageObject {
	public const ushort id = 1; // Used to identify the message, can be packed or sent as packet header
	public uint peer;
	public byte race;
	public ushort skin;

	public void Serialize(ref Span<byte> packet) {
		BitBuffer data = BufferPool.GetBitBuffer();

		.ToSpan(ref packet);


	public void Deserialize(ref ReadOnlySpan<byte> packet, int length) {
		BitBuffer data = BufferPool.GetBitBuffer();

		data.FromSpan(ref packet, length);

		peer = data.ReadUInt();
		race = data.ReadByte();
		skin = data.ReadUShort();
