
A Prototype for a Wikidata Question-Answering System

Primary LanguagePython


A Prototype for a Wikidata Question-Answering System

A cute wrap, the mascot of Nixwrap

This system allows users to query Wikidata using natural language questions. The responses contain links to sources. If Wikidata does not provide the information requested, the system refuses to answer.

The system is in an early proof of concept state.


A short demo showing the askwikidata repl responding to a question.


To give it a try, use ➡️ this Google Colab Notebook or load AskWikidata_Quickstart.ipynb in your infrastructure.


This system integrates Large Language Models (LLMs) to respond to user questions. It converts Wikidata items into text format to ensure compatibility with the LLM. A retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) method is employed, where the user's question initiates a search for relevant "documents" within the Wikidata text item dataset. A reranker then evaluates these documents, prioritizing those most likely to address the question effectively. The chosen documents are then incorporated into the LLM's prompt, directing the model to formulate responses solely based on the provided information.


Install dependencies


On Nix the dev shell will install all required dependencies.

nix develop .


Alternatively, install python requirements using pip.

pip install -q langchain annoy sentence_transformers transformers touch pandas tqdm protobuf accelerate bitsandbytes safetensors sentencepiece

Unpack provided caches

For faster execution, the results of some pre-computation steps are caches. In order to use those caches, unpack them:

bunzip2 --keep --force *.json.bz2

Generate dataset

Generate text representations for Wikidata items. The list of items to use is currently hardcoded in text_representation.py.

python text_representation.py

Answer a question

This python code will use AskWikidata to answer one question.

from askwikidata import AskWikidata

config = {
    "chunk_size": 1280,
    "chunk_overlap": 0,
    "index_trees": 1024,
    "retrieval_chunks": 16,
    "context_chunks": 5,
    "embedding_model_name": "BAAI/bge-small-en-v1.5",
    "reranker_model_name": "BAAI/bge-reranker-base",
    "qa_model_url": "mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1",

askwikidata = AskWikidata(**config)
print(askwikidata.ask("Who is the current mayor of Berlin? And since when is them serving?"))

Interactive REPL

A simple interactive read eval print loop can be used to ask questions.

python repl.py

Run evaluation

A script to evaluate the performance of different configurations is provided.

python eval.py

Configure API Keys

If you do not want to use a local LLM, AskWikidata can access LLM APIs by hosted by Huggingface, runpod.io and OpenAI. Configure your API keys in the following environment variables:

Provider Environment Variable Name Note
Hugging Face HUGGINGFACE_API_KEY active
runpod.io RUNPOD_API_KEY currently defunct
OpenAI OPENAI_API_KEY currently defunct

Run tests

To execute the unit test suite, run:

$ python -m unittest

To get a coverage report, run

$ coverage run -m unittest
$ coverage report --omit="test_*,/nix/*" --show-missing