
Android Stumbler for Mozilla

Primary LanguageJavaMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

MozStumbler Build Status


./gradlew build
./gradlew installRelease


In order to sign the APK, you will want to create a 'gradle.properties' file. The content should look like the following except it should contain your key signing information:

StoreFile=<path to file>
KeyAlias=<key alias>
GoogleAPIKey=<optional: your Google Maps API key>

To obtain a free Google API key:

  1. Create an account on https://cloud.google.com/console.
  2. Browse to the APIs & auth > APIs menu.
  3. Enable the API name "Google Maps Android API v2". You do not need any of the other Google Maps API keys.
  4. TODO: add instructions for registering your app certificate with Google's API console.*

To generate a signing key, search the internet for details. This command is probably what you want:

keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias mozstumbler -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

To verify the apk has been signed, you can run this command:

jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs build/apk/MozStumbler*


This release process ought to be automated.

  2. git checkout -b v$MOZSTUMBLER_VERSION
  4. Increment android:versionCode and android:versionName in the AndroidManifest.xml.in file.
  5. git commit -m "MozStumbler v$MOZSTUMBLER_VERSION" AndroidManifest.xml.in VERSION
  6. Push the new version branch to GitHub and file a new pull requests so Travis can start building it.
  7. ./gradlew build
  8. mv build/apk/MozStumbler-release.apk build/apk/MozStumbler-$MOZSTUMBLER_VERSION.apk
  9. Browse to https://github.com/dougt/MozStumbler/releases.
  10. "Draft a new release" with the release title "MozStumbler v$MOZSTUMBLER_VERSION" and tag version "v$MOZSTUMBLER_VERSION".
  11. Add some release notes and give @credit to contributors!
  12. Drag and drop the new MozStumbler-v$MOZSTUMBLER_VERSION.apk to the "Attach binaries for this release by dropping them here." box.
  13. Check "This is a pre-release" because perpetual beta.
  14. Save draft. Do not "Publish release" yet because master does not have the new VERSION file!
  15. Merge the new version pull request. NB: There is a race condition between steps 13 and 14! It is mostly harmless, but be quick about it.
  16. Now go back to the draft release and Publish release.
  17. Email a release announcment to the dev-geolocation mailing list with release notes giving @credit to contributors and a link to the release's page https://github.com/dougt/MozStumbler/releases/tag/v$MOZSTUMBLER_VERSION.
  18. Good work!