Contains the bounding boxes and miscallaneous additional information for countries extracted from
$ pip install country-bounding-boxes
>>> from country_bounding_boxes import ( get_countries_containing_point, get_country_by_iso_code )
Get a country by its 2- or 3-letter ISO code:
>>> get_country_by_iso_code('ZW').name "Zimbabwe" >>> get_country_by_iso_code('ZWE').name "Zimbabwe" >>> get_country_by_iso_code('TM').name "Turkmenistan"
Inspect bounding box as (lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2) tuples:
>>> get_country_by_iso_code('TM').bbox (52.5024597512, 35.2706639674, 66.5461503437, 42.7515510117)
Get a set of countries by their intersection with a point:
>>> cs = get_countries_containing_point(lon=-79.888252, lat=32.819747) >>> [ for c in cs] ['United States']
If you want to do development on the library, follow these steps:
- Create a virtualenv
- bin/pip install -r requirements/tests.txt
- bin/nosetests -s country_bounding_boxes