
JSON Web Token implementation in Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Python implementation of JSON Web Token draft 01.

This is Mozilla's fork of PyJWT which adds RSA algorithms, fixes some timing attacks, and makes a few other adjustments. It is used in projects such as webpay.


Install the module with pip or something similar:

pip install PyJWT-mozilla

This install step will also install/compile M2Crypto so you will need swig for this. You can get it with a package manager like:

brew install swig

Alternatively you can probably find a binary package for M2Crypto with something like this:

sudo apt-get install python-m2crypto


import jwt
jwt.encode({"some": "payload"}, "secret")

Note the resulting JWT will not be encrypted, but verifiable with a secret key.

jwt.decode("someJWTstring", "secret")

If the secret is wrong, it will raise a jwt.DecodeError telling you as such. You can still get at the payload by setting the verify argument to false.

jwt.decode("someJWTstring", verify=False)


The JWT spec supports several algorithms for cryptographic signing. This library currently supports:

  • HS256 - HMAC using SHA-256 hash algorithm (default)
  • HS384 - HMAC using SHA-384 hash algorithm
  • HS512 - HMAC using SHA-512 hash algorithm
  • RS256 - RSA using SHA-256 hash algorithm
  • RS384 - RSA using SHA-384 hash algorithm
  • RS512 - RSA using SHA-584 hash algorithm

Change the algorithm with by setting it in encode:

jwt.encode({"some": "payload"}, "secret", "HS512")


Install the project in a virtualenv (or wherever) by typing this from the root:

python setup.py develop

Run the tests like this:

python tests/test_jwt.py
