
Primary LanguageCoq

ICFP 2023 Artifact

Name: Etna: An Evaluation Platform for Property-Based Testing

Artifact Instructions


The contents of this README focus on showing you how to reproduce the experiments discussed in our paper. Beyond artifact evaluation, we hope that our system will be useful to researchers who want to empirically evaluate their property-based testing strategies. As such, we also have DOCUMENTATION.md which describes in much more detail how this tool is structured and what users should do if they want to run their own experiments or otherwise extend it.

Please see DOCUMENTATION.md to learn more about these details.

Language Dependencies

These steps should already be completed in the VM.

  1. For Python, install version 3.10.5, and make sure python3 points to this version.

  2. For Haskell, install stack:

    $ curl -sSL https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh
  3. For Coq, use opam to install OCaml compiler version 4.10.0+afl and pin Coq version 8.15.0.

Package Dependencies

These steps should already be completed in the VM.

  1. For Python, make sure you have pip installed.

    Then, run the following commands:

    $ cd ~/etna
    $ make install
  2. For Haskell, run the following commands:

    $ cd ~/etna/bench-suite/Haskell/BST
    $ stack ghci src/Impl.hs

    Doing this for the first time will force stack to install GHC 9.0.2 and the required packages.

  3. For Coq, we need a newer version of QuickChick. Clone the repo here, checkout the etna branch, and follow the instructions for installing from source, including make install and make install-fuzz.

Experiment Reproduction

Start here if you're in the VM.

All of the below should be done in the etna folder, so please first

$ cd etna

Some things to be aware of:

  • We recommend briefly reading the setup described in the corresponding experiment section in the paper to get a sense of what each experiment is evaluating, since we did not repeat that information here.

  • Running our experiments in full as we did originally for the paper would take several days in total. As such, we offer scaled-down versions that should demonstrate the same trends but take drastically less time. The Makefile is configured to run these versions by default.

  • Experiment scripts should be easily resumable; data will not be re-collected unless it is deleted.

  • There are two experiments that use prior results when the same strategy is evaluated again (to save time). So, experiment 4.1 must be completed before 4.3, and 5.1 before 5.2.

Section 4.1: Comparing Frameworks.

Estimated time for scaled-down experiment: around 4 hours.

  • Originally, we ran each strategy on each task for 10 trials, even if the strategy could not solve the task. This is the most time consuming component — running until the 60+ second timeout repeatedly. So, the scaled-down version "short-circuits" as soon as a strategy fails. i.e., If QuickCheck times out on the 3rd trial, the 4th through 10th trials are not run.

    This has no impact on the majority of the data collected and analyzed for this experiment, since we find a task to be (completely) solved only if it was solved on all trials. The only piece that will be lost is the discussion in lines 269 to 278 about partially solved tasks.

  • Additionally, the scaled-down version only runs 1 trial for the deterministic strategies (LeanCheck and SmallCheck). We ran 10 trials in the original since there could be some small variations in time, but for the purposes of this artifact we can just run 1 trial.

One more thing to note:

  • The enumeration strategy LeanCheck is documented to be quite memory intensive when run for prolonged periods of time.

    We ran our experiments on a powerful server (300+GB of memory), so we did not run into problems previously, but the typical machine will not be equipped to handle this, which we did not realize until we tried to run the experiments on the VM locally.

    We'll make sure to mention the specs of our servers and the implications for LeanCheck's performance in the camera-ready.

    In the meantime, we've provided a less space-intensive version that changes the timeout for LeanCheck to 10 seconds instead of 60. We chose 10 since it is the boundary between the second-highest and highest buckets in the task bucket chart.

    We will note in the discussion that follows the places where this will cause some deviations from the paper's data.

Run this to collect the data for this experiment: (Don't worry about the OpenBLAS warning if you see it on the VM.)

$ make collect4.1

The raw JSONs will be saved in data/4.1.

Run this to analyze the data for this experiment:

$ make analyze4.1

Points of comparison with the paper:

Figure 1.

  • Please view the charts in figures/fig1. There should be four charts, named BST, RBT, STLC, FSUB. These charts correspond with those depicted in Fig. 1 from the paper.

    These are task bucket charts (described in Section 2.4), where strategies with better bug-finding power will visually have a darker color presence. For example, bespoke QuickCheck is especially fast, so there should be a nearly full black bar in the fourth row of each chart. Naive SmallCheck is especially slow, so there should be relatively little pink in each chart.

  • Mild deviations in the number of tasks in each bucket are to be expected, both due to variations in machine speed and the inherent randomness of some of the generation strategies.

  • As mentioned above, the artifact version runs LeanCheck for only 10 seconds, so for FSUB.png, we expect not to see the faint purple tasks and instead to see around 14 unsolved tasks.

Observation — "The bespoke strategy outperforms the naive strategies along multiple axes."

  • We also print a table of solve rates.

    As mentioned in line 252, bespoke QuickCheck (the Correct strategy) should solve all tasks. As mentioned in line 253, naive QuickCheck (the Quick strategy) should fail to solve approximately 43 tasks.

Observation — "LeanCheck substantially outperforms SmallCheck."

  • As mentioned in line 259, SmallCheck (Small) should have around a 35% solve rate. LeanCheck (Lean) would normally have a 82% solve rate, but because of the adjusted timeout, we expect around 76% instead.

Section 4.2: Exploring Size Generation.

Estimated time for scaled-down experiment: around 1.5 hours.

  • While we originally ran 100 trials for each task, the analysis for the experiment only focuses on three tasks. So, this version runs the full 100 trials for the three tasks and 10 trials for the other tasks.

Commands are the same as before but with 4.2 instead, e.g.

$ make collect4.2
$ make analyze4.2

Points of comparison with the paper:

  • Please view the chart figures/figure2.png. This should resemble Fig. 2 from the paper, though with colors instead of numbered labels.

    As in the paper, the task #1 trendline (red) should have the steepest upward trajectory. The task #2 trendline (green) should also go up, but less steeply. The task #3 trendline (blue) should be mostly flat and near the y-axis.

  • Note that the precise y-axis numbers may differ from the paper — there is variance due to the random nature of these generation strategies. However, the relative trends described above should hold.

Section 4.3: Enumerator Sensitivity.

Estimated time for scaled-down experiment: around 1 hour.

  • The key result and ensuing discussion is about the observation that SmallCheck is very sensitive to a reversal of the parameter orders, so in the scaled-down version, we run only SmallCheck.

  • As before, we run only 1 trial since it is deterministic.

Commands are the same as before but with 4.3 instead, e.g.

$ make collect4.3
$ make analyze4.3

Please note that the collection script for this experiment generates only the new data needed; the analysis script will draw upon some of the data collected for SmallCheck in 4.1.

Points of comparison with the paper:

  • The analysis script will output several pices of information. First, the number of tasks solved by SmallCheck in the original but not in the reversed should be 0.

  • Second, the number of tasks solved in the reversed but not in the original should be 17 (line 389). The times to failure for these tasks are also printed in the table. These times should be fairly low — many will be less than 1 second.

Section 5.1: Comparison of Fuzzers, Derived Generators, and Handwritten Generators.

Estimated time for scaled-down experiment: around 8 hours.

  • Analogously to in 4.1, we short-circuit the 10 trials as soon as a timeout is encountered. This will not have an effect on the bulk of the data for this experiment, with the exception of no longer being able to generate Fig. 4, which deals with partially solved tasks.

Other commands are the same as before but with 5.1 instead, e.g.

$ make collect5.1
$ make analyze5.1

If you get an error about the QuickChick version, see 5.2.

Points of comparison with the paper:

  • Please view the charts in figures/fig3. There should be four charts, named BST, RBT, STLC, IFC. These charts correspond with those depicted in Fig. 3 from the paper.

  • While some variance is expected, the general trends should be consistent with the paper. For example, the specification-based generator (in red) and bespoke generator (in black) should generally outperform the other strategies, and they should perform on par with each other.

    The fuzzers (in orange in (a) through (c) and in orange and green in (d)) may be slightly slower than the type-based generator (on the top row, in blue), but they will be able to solve more tasks than the type-based generator in the IFC workload, which has the sparsest precondition.

    Note that fuzzers especially have high variance (which is noted in the paper), so the exact number of tasks solved and the proportions of the tasks in each bucket may deviate from the paper.

Section 5.2: Validation and Improvement of Fuzzers.

Estimated time for scaled-down experiment: around 3 hours.

  • Analogously to before, we short-circuit the 10 trials as soon as a timeout is encountered.

One of the strategies in this experiment uses an older (and worse) version of QuickChick, since the purpose of the experiment is to notice how the changes to the implementation improved the bug-finding performance. (There is also a change to the max bound on the number of tests, which the script will apply for you, since this older version had overflow problems.)

To switch to this older version, run

$ make switchold

Other commands are the same as before but with 5.2 instead, e.g.

$ make collect5.2
$ make analyze5.2

After you are done with this experiment, make sure to switch back to the newer version, especially if you need to rerun any parts of 5.1.

$ make switchnew

The collection script for this experiment generates only the new data needed; the analysis script will draw upon data collected in 5.1.

Points of comparison with the paper:

  • Please view the charts in figures/fig5. There should be three charts, named BST, RBT, STLC. These charts correspond with those depicted in Fig. 5 from the paper.

  • Visually, it should be clear that the lower strategy (tuned FuzzChick) significantly outperforms the upper strategy (original FuzzChick), which solves very few tasks overall.

QEMU Instructions

The ICFP 2023 Artifact Evaluation Process is using a Debian QEMU image as a base for artifacts. The Artifact Evaluation Committee (AEC) will verify that this image works on their own machines before distributing it to authors. Authors are encouraged to extend the provided image instead of creating their own. If it is not practical for authors to use the provided image then please contact the AEC co-chairs before submission.

QEMU is a hosted virtual machine monitor that can emulate a host processor via dynamic binary translation. On common host platforms QEMU can also use a host provided virtualization layer, which is faster than dynamic binary translation.

QEMU homepage: https://www.qemu.org/



brew install qemu

Debian and Ubuntu Linux

apt-get install qemu-kvm

On x86 laptops and server machines you may need to enable the "Intel Virtualization Technology" setting in your BIOS, as some manufacturers leave this disabled by default. See Debugging.md for details.

Arch Linux

pacman -Sy qemu

See the Arch wiki for more info.

See Debugging.md if you have problems logging into the artifact via SSH.

Windows 10

Download and install QEMU via the links at


Ensure that qemu-system-x86_64.exe is in your path.

Start Bar -> Search -> "Windows Features" -> enable "Hyper-V" and "Windows Hypervisor Platform".

Restart your computer.

Windows 8

See Debugging.md for Windows 8 install instructions.


The base artifact provides a start.sh script to start the VM on unix-like systems and start.bat for Windows. Running this script will open a graphical console on the host machine, and create a virtualized network interface. On Linux you may need to run with sudo to start the VM. If the VM does not start then check Debugging.md.

Once the VM has started you can login to the guest system from the host. Whenever you are asked for a password, the answer is password. The default username is artifact.

$ ssh -p 5555 artifact@localhost

You can also copy files to and from the host using scp.

$ scp -P 5555 artifact@localhost:somefile .


To shutdown the guest system cleanly, login to it via ssh and use

$ sudo shutdown now

Artifact Preparation

Authors should install software dependencies into the VM image as needed, preferably via the standard Debian package manager. For example, to install GHC and cabal-install, login to the host and type:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install ghc
$ sudo apt install cabal-install

If you really need a GUI then you can install X as follows, but we prefer console-only artifacts whenever possible.

$ sudo apt install xorg
$ sudo apt install xfce4   # or some other window manager
$ startx

See Debugging.md for advice on resolving other potential problems.

If your artifact needs lots of memory you may need to increase the value of the QEMU_MEM_MB variable in the start.sh script.

When preparing your artifact, please also follow the Submission Guidelines.