
Distributed array redistribution in OCaml, based on https://arxiv.org/pdf/2112.01075.pdf

Primary LanguageOCaml


This repository implements constructs from Memory-efficient array redistribution through portable collective communication, mainly to solve the memory-constrained redistribution problem (Section 4.3).

The most notable functions are listed in lib/redistribute.mli and summarized here:

(* Transform an array type via a sequence of collectives *)
val interpret :
  Mesh.t -> Collective.t list -> Array_type.t -> Array_type.t Or_error.t

(* Transform a sequence of collectives to normal form *)
val to_normal_form :
  Mesh.t -> Array_type.t -> Collective.t list -> Collective.t list Or_error.t

(* Generate a redistribution program between array types in normal form *)
val redistribute :
  Mesh.t -> Array_type.t -> Array_type.t -> Collective.t list Or_error.t


After installing dune, core, and ppx_jane via opam, run tests with dune runtest.

Visual Example

Given mesh of {"x": 2, "y": 3}, we can redistribute from [3{"x"}6] to [2{"y"}6] with the following collectives.

Let the full contents of the undistributed array be [0, ..., 5].

x↓ y→  0    1    2
 0   012  012  012
 1   345  345  345

-- dynslice(0, "y") -->

[1{"y", "x"}6]
x↓ y→  0    1    2
 0     0    1    2
 1     3    4    5

-- allpermute -->

[1{"x", "y"}6]
x↓ y→  0    1    2
 0     0    2    4
 1     1    3    5

-- allgather(0) -->

x↓ y→  0    1    2
 0    01   23   45
 1    01   23   45