
Particle effect renderer based on THREE.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Wintersky npm version

Particle effect renderer based on three.js and the Minecraft Bedrock particle format.


npm i wintersky


This is the simplest possible implementation of a Wintersky emitter into your scene

// Import wintersky
import Wintersky from 'wintersky';
// Load JSON File
import RainbowParticle from './rainbow.particle.json';

// Setup Wintersky Scene
const wintersky_scene = new Wintersky.Scene();
// Setup Emitter
const emitter = new Wintersky.Emitter(wintersky_scene, RainbowParticle);
// Add emitter into Three.JS scene
// Play Effect

// Update particle rotation in your app's rendering loop


  • npm i: Install dependencies
  • npm run watch: Activate compiler
  • npm run build: Build for production



new Wintersky.Scene(options?)

Creates a new scene, which can hold multiple emitters

  • options: Object:
    • fetchTexture: Function


  • emitters: Array List of all emitters
  • space: three.js Object3D Global particle space. Add this to your three.js scene.
  • global_options: Object
    • max_emitter_particles: Number Maximum amount of particles per emitter
    • tick_rate: Number Emitter tick rate per second.
    • loop_mode: String Default emitter loop mode
    • parent_mode: String Default emitter parent mode
    • scale: Number Emitter scale. The default is 1 for block space. Set to 16 to run in a pixel space environment like Blockbench.


Updates the particle facing rotation for all emitters

  • camera: Camera three.js camera to orient the particle towards

WinterskyScene#fetchTexture( config )

Method to provide visuals for a texture. Null by default. Gets called by configs if the texture is updated. Should return a data URL, or a promise resulting in a data URL.

  • config: Config Particle config that is requesting the texture



new Wintersky.Emitter(scene, config?, options?)

Creates a new particle emitter

  • scene: Wintersky Scene: Wintersky scene to add this emitter to
  • config: Config: Config instance
  • scene: Scene: Wintersky Scene
  • options: Object:
    • loop_mode: String How the emitter loops: auto, once or looping. Default: auto
    • loop_mode: String How the emitter is located in the world: world, entity or locator. Default: world


Updates the particle facing rotation

  • camera: Camera three.js camera to orient the particle towards


Deletes the emitter


Default Playback Loop


Starts to play the particle effect using the default play loop


Pause/resume the default playback loop


Stops the default playback loop


Control Emitter


Starts the emitter, setting the time to 0 and initializing all variables


Runs an emitter tick


Stops the emitter


Jumps to a specific time in the emitter. This is optimited to run as few operations as possible so you can use it to hook the emitter to a custom playback loop



Configs store the configuration of an emitter. All emitters have a config by default.

new Wintersky.Config(scene, config, options)

Creates a new emitter config instance

  • scene: Wintersky Scene: Wintersky scene
  • config: Config: Config instance
  • options: Object:
    • path: String Location of the particle file that the config is based on.


Resets the config to default values

Config#set(key, value)

Sets a property of the config to a specific value

  • key: String Key of the value to change
  • value: Any Value to set


Loads the configuration from a JSON particle file

  • json: Object Particle file content


Method that runs when the texture of the config is updated. Null by default