- 0
#20 opened by scofield687 - 14
- 2
#16 opened by Godxia - 10
- 0
4.5 Efficiency Study
#19 opened by bwl666 - 0
- 0
#17 opened by wangjitoan - 0
issue of the distant label data, the dataset/ontonotes/distant_data folder with a correct ontonotes dataset.
#15 opened by Yefeiyang-luis - 1
关于Label Mapping
#14 opened by huangjia2019 - 7
- 1
Could you provide the dev set?
#13 opened by jeffchy - 1
- 1
- 2
unlabeled data
#9 opened by zdgithub - 1
GPT2 got very low score
#10 opened by AlexWang1900 - 4
- 1
- 4
could u support more dataset
#1 opened by Yefeiyang-luis - 1
- 0