Pygame RTK Toolkit for simple UI and/or Game creation. This includes also many other sample programs for advanced programming techniques in Python.

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Python/Pygame sample programs and tools


Pygame tools and libraries

  • RTK - Toolkit module that provides you premade classes and objects for creating simple Pygame UI/Games using pygame

    • rtk.py (comming soon...)
  • ttf2bmp - CLI program to create BMP sprite sheets from TTF font files

    • ttf2bmp.py

Sample programs for advanced programming techniques in Python

  • Global Variables
    • test_globals.py
  • Mediator Pattern
    • test_mediator.py
  • Signal Manager
    • test_signals.py
  • Linux OS Signals
    • test_os_signals_receiver.py
    • test_os_signals_sender.py