
An example universal JS application written with the 3REE stack, React + Redux + RethinkDB + Express. A stack for building apps, front and back end, with just Javascript.

Primary LanguageCSS


An example universal JS application written with the 3REE stack, React + Redux + RethinkDB + Express. A stack for building apps, front and back end, with just Javascript.

This project was initially conceived to experiment with using these technologies in conjunction with one-another. I have written a blog that relates to this codebase.


This project is useful for:

  • seeing how to build a Universal Javascript application
  • understanding how to handle asyncronousity in Redux action creators
  • seeing how you can use Socket.io with Redux
  • building your own Redux powered application
  • forking so that you can build your own 3REE stack app!

Main Features

  • Universal (Isomorphic) Javascript
  • Asyncronous example
  • Use of RethinkDB Changefeeds for Realtime


You will need to install RethinkDB. You can find instruction on how to do so here.

  • Clone the repo git clone git@github.com:GordyD/3ree.git
  • Run npm install
  • Ensure contents of server/api/config.json is correct for your environment.
  • Run npm run db-setup to set up DB
  • Run npm run build to build application files and watch for changes
  • Run npm start
  • Go to http://localhost:3000 in two seperate tabs - see changes propagate in real time.

Tech Used

  • React - view layer
  • React Router - universal routing
  • Redux - state management
  • RethinkDB - persistance layer
  • Express - server framework
  • Socket.io - for realtime communication between clients and server
  • Webpack - module bundling + build for client
  • Superagent - universal http requests