- andrewczgithub
- eemailme
- esling
- ethancaballero@mila-iqia
- ForrestPiXi’an Jiaotong University
- jessebett
- JingyunLiangComputer Vision Lab, ETH Zürich
- KelvinsonSomewhere
- kevineen
- lianfei
- lichiliNew York City, NY
- lkampoliThe University of Melbourne
- MannyKayyEdinburgh Centre for Robotics
- monogenics
- mountainEarth
- nd1511European Space Agency (ESA)
- paper2code-bot@paper2code
- princepspolycapPoly186 AI DAO & P3
- rafaelvalle
- raneryGeorgia Institute of Technology
- rtqichenFAIR Labs, Meta AI
- skeeetBay Area
- taeholeee
- wgrathwohlToronto, ON
- wporquetPorquet Internet Consulting Corporation
- xuerqChina
- YuliaRubanovaDeepmind
- zlannnn