- 4
could not find kernel
#87 opened by dezren39 - 4
How to configure multiple LAN interfaces?
#84 opened by muja - 6
- 2
dns: investigate DNS-over-QUIC
#74 opened by stapelberg - 1
Can it compile for Windows as well?
#81 opened by lonnietc - 2
cannot boot from usb
#79 opened by soitun - 10
Status of other ISPs?
#8 opened by cedws - 0
diagd: skip ICMP check for external targets
#77 opened by stapelberg - 1
documentation of setup issues
#76 opened by dezren39 - 1
Turris Omnia support ?
#75 opened by xerc - 0
Enable TCP BBR in router7 kernel
#73 opened by stapelberg - 0
- 10
Support for Hairpinning
#53 opened by CodeZombieCH - 1
- 1
Nat66 or Natv6p
#67 opened by muellerjoel - 0
Allow configuring bridge devices
#65 opened by stapelberg - 2
Container Manager
#60 opened by SuperQ - 2
- 1
- 1
dns: listen on tcp/53 as well
#59 opened by stapelberg - 0
RADIUS server for authenticating 802.1x
#56 opened by stapelberg - 2
Failing build
#54 opened by CodeZombieCH - 2
- 1
native dyndns support
#46 opened by stapelberg - 4
WireGuard support
#14 opened by stapelberg - 0
- 3
dhcp4d: Panic on truncated packet
#49 opened by chlunde - 1
- 5
implement DNSSL in cmd/radvd
#45 opened by stapelberg - 0
optionally block incoming IPv6 connections except for explicitly allowed IPs
#32 opened by stapelberg - 1
staticcheck issues
#42 opened by mdlayher - 0
IGMP proxying setup for tv7
#33 opened by stapelberg - 0
- 2
neighbour: arp_cache: neighbor table overflow!
#31 opened by stapelberg - 0
- 0
nftables: counters per source IP
#35 opened by stapelberg - 0
more recent DHCP leases should overwrite DNS entries from earlier DHCP leases
#20 opened by stapelberg - 0
local name resolution is case-sensitive
#34 opened by stapelberg - 6
- 2
- 1
- 1
- 1
system clock weirdness
#16 opened by stapelberg - 0
On DHCPNAK, drop the last ack and start anew
#13 opened by stapelberg - 0
- 1
dhcp4d causes an IP address conflict
#18 opened by stapelberg - 0
captured stops upon interrupted system call
#17 opened by stapelberg - 0
- 0
dnsd incorrectly serves expired leases
#6 opened by stapelberg - 2
rtr7-recover etc. MIA?
#5 opened by tracernz