Pathfinding Visualizer with React-TS


Inspired by Clément's Pathfinding Visualizer, This React app set up with Vite visualizes the various traversal algorithms such as Depth-First-Search, Breadth-First-Search, and A* Search. This application helps visualize complex algorithms on a grid in order to understand how they work in practice. Use the algorithm dropdown menu before running to select the algorithm.

This project contains:

  • TypeScript, Vite, and Node.js
  • Functional components and React hooks
  • TailwindCSS to stylize the components
  • Deployment to GitHub Pages with GitHub Actions (CI/CD)

Visualization of A* Search

Visualization of BFS


A traversal algorithm used on graph and tree data structures. This algorithm starts at the root and explores a path fully before moving onto the next available path. Typically, a stack data structure is used in combination in order to explore a found path's neighbors first.


A traversal algorithm used on graph and tree data structures. This algorithm starts at the root and explores each depth/level of the DS before moving on to the next depth. To do this, we use a queue which adds nodes we've found, but not visited yet.

A* Search

A graph traversal / path-searching algorithm that is modified from Djikstra's algorithm to find the shortest path to an endpoint efficiently. It utilizes path costs in order to determine more valuable paths to take towards the destination and keeps track of potential cells with assigned distances with sets.

Initial Setup

Initializing with Vite:

npm create vite@latest pathfinder -- --template react-ts
cd pathfinder

To install dependencies:

npm install

TailwindCSS (Installation)

npm install -D tailwindcss
npx tailwindcss init

Add to tailwind.config.cjs: "./src/components/Pathfinder.tsx" and "./src/components/Cell.tsx"

Running the App

To run the development version:

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:5173 to view

Testing the App Locally

To run the build version and preview:

npm run build
npm run preview

Open http://localhost:4173 to view


Auto deployed with GitHub Actions. Click here to view workflow.


Inspired by Clément Mihailescu's Pathfinding Visualizer.

To view React documentation, click here.

For more about the Vite Build Tool, click here.