
An example of of implementing OpenCascade window in a wxWidgets GUI using C++.

Primary LanguageC++

Welcome to wxOCC


wxOCC is an implementation of OpenCascade integrated into the wxWidgets GUI system. There are a number of tutorials and examples for Qt, MFC etc, but very few that showed it clearly how to get it working under the wxWidgets system under Linux. This was originallty done as a proof of concept for the I.R.I.S. CAD system devloped by Virtex Edge Design. This sample app has been created in hopes to help others who are trying to do the same as us.


With wxOCC, developers can create CAD programs using the Open Casecade framework.with wxWidgets as the cross platform GUI Backend.

  • Zoom In, Out, Fit Controls.
  • Wireframe/Shaded Render Toggle Controls.
  • Rotate - Ctrl + Right Click
  • Zoom - Ctrl + Left Click
  • Pan - Ctrl + Left Shift + Left Click


Creative Commons Licence
wxOCC by R. T. Roe is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://github.com/rtroe/wxOCC.


v. 0.3.0

wxOCC 0.3.0, fully working demo with added functionality.

  • Encapsulates wxOCC Into it's own Control (wxOCWindow).
  • Creates the OpenCascade Demo Bottle on start.
  • Extended wxAUI Integration.
  • Added Zoom In, Out, Fit Controls.
  • Added Wireframe/Shaded Render Toggle Controls.
  • More bug fixes.

v. 0.2.0

wxOCC 0.2.0, extended and improved with deeper wxWidgets Integration

  • Integrated with the wxAUI System for better useability.
  • Added simple Camera Operations for Interation with OpenCascade.
  • Lots of bug fixes

v. 0.1.0

The first working version of wxOCC 0.1.0

  • The first working version of wxOCC.
  • Able to create and parent the Open Cascade X11 window into a wxPanel.

wxAUI Demo

An advanced window management library for wxWidgets (c) Copyright 2005-2006, Kirix Corporation