rturgano's Following
- bcgovCanada
- jljordan42@bcgov @BCDevExchange
- enejbAutomattic
- JuliaQi
- barrfalkSalus Systems
- j-krogh
- jeromeroblesBC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
- garywong-bc@bcgov
- f-w
- watkinspdInstitute for Citizen Centred Service
- ll911Victoria
- GregTurnerVictoria, British Columbia
- megwhetung
- RRenton
- kelpislandRed Hat
- ccoldwellQuicksilver Software Development Inc - https://quicksilver.dev
- mysolpurposeVictoria
- juhewittBC Public Service
- stephhazlittVictoria, BC, Canada
- MbrownshoesCanada
- ateucherVictoria, BC, Canada
- mark-a-wilsonProvince of British Columbia
- paulroberts68Office of the Chief Information Officer
- SteveMHowardProvince of British Columbia
- jonathanbellWorkday