Easy (and good looking) credit-card input for your React Native Project 💳 💳
<CreditCardInput onChange={this._onChange} />
// or
<LiteCreditCardInput onChange={this._onChange} />
- Skeuomorphic credit-card 💳 (credits to: react-native-credit-card)
- Lite version for smaller screens (or if skeuomorphic is not really your thing)
- Credit-card input validations & formatting while you're typing
- Form is fully navigatable using keypad
- Works on both Android and iOS
npm i --save react-native-credit-card-input
then add these lines in your react-native codebase
import { CreditCardInput, LiteCreditCardInput } from "react-native-credit-card-input";
<CreditCardInput onChange={this._onChange} />
// or
<LiteCreditCardInput onChange={this._onChange} />
// Note: You'll need to enable LayoutAnimation on android to see LiteCreditCardInput's animations
// UIManager.setLayoutAnimationEnabledExperimental(true);
And then on your onChange handler:
_onChange => form => console.log(form);
// will print:
valid: true, // will be true once all fields are "valid" (time to enable the submit button)
focused: "number", // will be one of [null, "number", "expiry", and "cvc"]
values: { // will be in the sanitized and formatted form
number: "4242 4242",
expiry: "06/19",
cvc: "300",
type: "visa", // will be one of [null, "visa", "master-card", "american-express", "diners-club", "discover", "jcb", "unionpay", "maestro"]
status: { // will be one of ["incomplete", "invalid", and "valid"]
number: "incomplete",
expiry: "incomplete"
cvc: "incomplete"
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
|autoFocus | PropTypes.bool | Automatically focus Card Number field on render|
|onChange | PropTypes.func | Receives a formData
object every time the form changes |
|placeholders | PropTypes.object | Defaults to { number: "1234 5678 1234 5678", expiry: "MM/YY", cvc: "CVC" }
|inputStyle | Text.propTypes.style | Style for credit-card form's textInput |
|validColor | PropTypes.string | Color that will be applied for valid text input. Defaults to: "{inputStyle.color}" |
|invalidColor | PropTypes.string | Color that will be applied for invalid text input. Defaults to: "red" |
|placeholderColor | PropTypes.string | Color that will be applied for text input placeholder. Defaults to: "gray" |
| Property | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
|autoFocus | PropTypes.bool | Automatically focus Card Number field on render|
|onChange | PropTypes.func | Receives a formData
object every time the form changes |
|labels | PropTypes.object | Defaults to { number: "CARD NUMBER", expiry: "EXPIRY", cvc: "CVC/CCV" }
|placeholders | PropTypes.object | Defaults to { number: "1234 5678 1234 5678", expiry: "MM/YY", cvc: "CVC" }
|cardViewSize | PropTypes.object | Size of the credit-card view.
Defaults to { width: 300, height: 180 }
(managed by react-native-credit-card) |
|imageFront | PropTypes.number | Image for the credit-card view e.g. require("./card.png")
|imageBack | PropTypes.number | Image for the credit-card view e.g. require("./card.png")
|labelStyle | Text.propTypes.style | Style for credit-card form's labels |
|inputStyle | Text.propTypes.style | Style for credit-card form's textInput |
|inputContainerStyle | View.propTypes.style | Style for textInput's container
Defaults to: { borderBottomWidth: 1, borderBottomColor: "black" }
|validColor | PropTypes.string | Color that will be applied for valid text input. Defaults to: "{inputStyle.color}" |
|invalidColor | PropTypes.string | Color that will be applied for invalid text input. Defaults to: "red" |
|placeholderColor | PropTypes.string | Color that will be applied for text input placeholder. Defaults to: "gray" |
In the example
directory, run:
npm install
react-native run-ios
# or
react-native run-android
- Open a GitHub issue, or
- Send a pull request :D
- Make sure
npm run lint
- Add unit tests
- Accept initialValues
- Accept name / postalCode fields
- Grain.com.sg (iOS) – Gourmet food delivery in Singapore