# C++ Platform Game
A simple platform game written from the ground up using opengl and C++. Made for a second year university project for  
which I received 78%.
## Setup
In order to run successfully compile this on your machine (if you really want to) you may have to follow some steps.  
These instructions are written for Visual Studio, I'm not sure about other IDEs.  
**First off, ensure that you are using the x86 platform in the dropdown next to the execute button**, but if that doesn't  
work then you will have to tell Visual Studio what the dependencies are as follows.

1. Right click on the solution and choose 'retarget solution' it will do what it needs to, don't worry if nothing happens.  
2. Right click on the project (glfw) and click properties.  
3. Navigate to C/C++ >> General in the left pane
4. Edit 'Additional Include Directories'
5. Add *all* of the following directories to the list (they are all included in this source code)
	* \Include\GLFW
	* \Include\FTGL
	* \Include\FTGL\src
	* \Include\FreeType
	* \Include\FreeType\freetype2
	* \Include\stb
6. Navigate to Linker >> General in the left pane
7. Edit 'Additional Library Directories'
8. Add *all* of the following directories to the list (they are all inclued in this source code)
	* \lib\GLFW
	* \lib\FTGL
	* \lib\FreeType
	* \lib\stb
9. Navigate to Linker >> Input in the left pane
10. Edit 'Additional Dependencies'
11. Add *all* of the following file names to the list
	* opengl32.lib
	* glfw3.lib
	* glfw3dll.lib
	* ftgl.lib
	* ftgl_static.lib
## And you should be away. Was it worth the effort? It only has two levels.  
# Have fun.