
Node.js Client and Server module implementing the Universal Plug and Play protocol UPnP

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


peer-upnp is a Node.js module implementing the UPnP protocol as described in the UPnP Device Architecture specification


  • use npm install peer-upnp to install the module.
  • run binary light example:
    1. use node node_modules/peer-upnp/test/binary-light-device.js to create and advertise a UPnP BinaryLight Device with SwitchPower service
    2. use node node_modules/peer-upnp/test/binary-light-client.js that discovers BinaryLight devices and uses SwitchPower Service to control the light.
  • or run the other example using node node_modules/peer-upnp/test/upnp-test.js to discover UPnP services on the network.


The following example shows the discovery and binding process of UPnP devices and services.

var upnp = require("peer-upnp");
var http = require("http");
var server = http.createServer();
var PORT = 8080;
// Peer is an event emitter
var peer = upnp.createPeer({
	prefix: "/upnp",
	server: server
	// listen to urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:SwitchPower:1 services
		console.log("service "+service.serviceType+" found");
			console.log("service "+service.serviceType+" disappeared");
		// Bind to service to be able to call service actions
			// Call UPnP action SetTarget with parameter NewTargetValue
				NewTargetValue: 1
			console.log((data.Status == "1" || data.Status == "true")? "Light is ON": "Light is OFF" );
		// unsubscribe from the service after 10 seconds 
	}).on("upnp:rootdevice",function(device){ // listen to root devices
		console.log("rootdevice "+device.deviceType+" found");
			console.log("rootdevice "+device.UDN+" disappeared");
	// close peer after 30 seconds

The following example shows how to create and advertise a BinaryLight device and with a SwitchPower service as specified in UPnP Lighting Controls V 1.0. Please refer to the documentation in the code.

var upnp = require("peer-upnp");
var http = require("http");
var server = http.createServer();
var PORT = 8080;
// start server on port 8080. please do this step before you create a peer

// Create a UPnP Peer. 
var peer = upnp.createPeer({
	prefix: "/upnp",
	server: server
	// advertise device after peer is ready

// Create a BinaryLight device as specified in UPnP http://upnp.org/specs/ha/UPnP-ha-BinaryLight-v1-Device.pdf.  
// Please refer for device configuration parameters to the UPnP device architecture.
var device = peer.createDevice({
	autoAdvertise: false,
	uuid: "6bd5eabd-b7c8-4f7b-ae6c-a30ccdeb5988",
	productName: "Coltram",
	productVersion: "0.0.1",
	domain: "schemas-upnp-org",
	type: "BinaryLight",
	version: "1",
	friendlyName: "BinaryLight",
	manufacturer: "Fraunhofer FOKUS",
	manufacturerURL: "http://www.fokus.fraunhofer.de",
	modelName: "BinaryLight",
	modelDescription: "BinaryLight",
	modelNumber: "0.0.1",
	modelURL: "http://www.famium.org",
	serialNumber: "1234-1234-1234-1234",
	UPC: "123456789012"

// create a SwitchPower service in the BinaryLight device as specified here http://upnp.org/specs/ha/UPnP-ha-SwitchPower-v1-Service.pdf
var service = device.createService({
	domain: "schemas-upnp-org",
	type: "SwitchPower",
	version: "1",
	// Service Implementation
	implementation: {
		GetTarget: function(inputs){
			// the result is the value of the state variable Target
			return {RetTargetValue: this.get("Target")}
		SetTarget: function(inputs){
			// set the new value of the state variable Target
			this.set("Target", inputs.NewTargetValue); 
			// notify state change of the state variable to all subscribers
			this.get("Target") == "1"? console.log("Light is ON"):console.log("Light is OFF");
		GetStatus: function(inputs){
			// the result is the value of the state variable Target
			return {ResultStatus: this.get("Target")}
	// Service Description. this will be converted to XML 
	description: {
		actions: {
			GetTarget: {
				outputs: {
					RetTargetValue: "Target", // Target is the name of the state variable
			SetTarget: {
				inputs: {
					NewTargetValue: "Target"
			GetStatus: {
				outputs: {
					ResultStatus: "Status",
		// declare all state variables: key is the name of the variable and value is the type of the variable. 
		// type can be JSON object in this form {type: "boolean"}. 
		variables: {
			Target: "boolean", 
			Status: "boolean"
// initialize the Target State Variable with 0


Free for non commercial use released under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0, See LICENSE file.

Contact us for commecial use famecontact@fokus.fraunhofer.de

Copyright (c) 2013 Fraunhofer FOKUS