Contignuous containers: lib/range.h tuple {start,end,size} a pointer range with item size in bytes lib/strarray.h an array of pointer to string, string always '\0' terminated, vector always NULL terminated lib/strlist.h character separated list (\0 \n , ...) in a stralloc Linked list containers: lib/slist.h single ended queue (head) singly linked (next) list container. mutable traversal using node** x = &head iteration with node* p = head lib/list.h double ended queue (head,tail) using double linked lists (prev,next) with list traversal macros list_foreach,*_safe,*_reverse Assiociative and hierarchical containers: lib/hmap.h hash map container with ownership on property of built-in type or custom *ptr,struct_size lib/hashmap.h associative map container using hashed bucket algorithms lib/cb.h crit-bit trees lib/cbmap.h an associative map container based on crit-bittrees lib/map.h lib/http.h HTTP client model with requests, responses and headers, compression chains async reading via iopause lib/charbuf.h an 1-byte character buffer Serialization / Data formats: lib/json.h JSON callback and tree parsers, tree iteration, token output lib/xml.h XML read with callback, set of functions for building element and attribute lists lib/playlist.h Read/write Playlist generic playlist abstraction Word expand, exec and wait process lib/expand.h shell word expansion of ${vars}, special params and backticks command into string list lib/process.h exec and wait for processes lib/wait.h wait/waitpid from djb lib/sig.h sig action/block from djb lib/var.h Lexically ordered NAME=VALUE pairs with attributes (exported, local, readonly, ...) lib/vartab.h Table for variable lookup stacked for subshell context Dumb charset conversion UCS, UTF-8, Latin 1 lib/ucs.h Periphery / Sensing lib/gpio.h Memory map Raspberry Pi GPIO pins, provide tri-state digital i/o Base function from fefe libowfat: array dns open taia buffer examples scan test byte fmt socket textcode case io str uint cdb mmap stralloc unix critbit mult tai lib/array.h allocated byte vector item indexing with umult64 lib/buffer.h buffered standard input/output/error. op is pointer to a read/write(fd,buf,len) = num_bytes lib/byte.h operations on fixed length byte ranges lib/case.h case-insensitive versions of str comparision functions from fefe libowfat lib/dns.h djbdns client api lib/fmt.h formatted output into byte buffer functions lib/io.h libfefe I/O muxing for unix and windows lib/alloc.h alloc, alloc_re, alloc_free djb interface lib/iarray.h array of integers container lib/fmt.h formatted output into byte buffer functions lib/io.h libfefe I/O muxing for unix and windows lib/dns.h djbdns client api lib/errmsg.h fefe libowfat Command line (CLI) utilities: pkgcfg.c Drop-in pkg-config, prints compile and link flags for package impgen.c Generate a .DEF file from a .DLL library ar-wrap.c generic cross-compiler wrapper for the archiver (lib bundler) cc-wrap.c generic cross-compiler wrapper for the front (preprocessor, compiler, assembler) compiler-wrapper.c A compiler driver for Microchip PIC toolchains (picc,picc18,xc8,sdcc) cmake-run.c find cross environment using dir and path functions and pass it to CMake genmakefile.c Makefile / Ninja generator based on *.c *.h files . directories CC, CFLAGS compiler, flags AR, ARFLAGS librarian LINK, LDFLAGS linker, flags -L and -l add library -I and -D add include/definition ntldd.c recurse dynamic bindings of .exe files like /usr/bin/ldd on Linux pelist.c List .EXE and .DLL file sections, import tables and export directories omflist.c List OMF object files symbols cofflist.c List COFF object files symbols elflist.c List Elf32 headers, sections, segments, symbols and dynamic section elf64list.c List Elf64 headers, sections, segments, symbols and dynamic section macho32list.c List Mach-O segments and symbol table Compression and integrity ccat.c Compressed file cat with getopt() options and error reporting crc32.c Calculate crc32 checksum, using zlib or diet version Network utilities dnsip.c Resolve hostname into IP addresses (NS from resolv.conf or DNSCACHE environment variable) dnsname.c Reverse lookup of IP address tcping.c try to TCP connect and output time of each acknowledge or reset Binary file tools bsdiffcat.c Translates a binary diff made with bsdiff into patch(buf, offset, ifval, thenval) calls hexedit.c Memory map a file and process a set of patch data in the form: ADDRESS IF-BYTE SET-BYTE torrent-progress.c memory map incomplete torrent data calculate percentage of pages which are all zero-bytes Media and streams mediathek-list.c HTTP load and filter mediathek-filme.json of the MediathekView application mediathek-parser.c Parse a mediathek-filme.json store and generate a Playlist from it Windows registry reg2cmd.c Convert a windows registry .REG file into a .BAT with REG ADD commands regfilter.c zombie copy reg2cmd, was intended a filtering version, like grepdiff Path helpers pathtool.c dropin for realpath, with --relative-to DIR feature and windows/msys support cygpath compliant sln.c for a /usr/lib/ file pass one or more link names: /lib/ msys-shell.c Registry & path search for msys/msys2 environments and launch mintty and bash inside Utilities reading/writing XML/JSON opensearch-dump.c parse an OpenSearch XML file into an URL /search?query=%s to have them in Firefox/Chrome plsconv.c Convert playlists between the formats .M3U .PLS .XSPF xmlpp.c pretty-print XML/XHML jsonpp.c Pretty-print JSON data xml2json.c convert an element tree into json objects { tagName, ...attributes, children: [ ..innerElements xml2moon.c convert XHTML content into lapis html generator syntax: element prop: val, prop2: .. eagle-gen-cmds.c Read EAGLE XML schematics/layouts and generate commands to draw contour and x/y axis measures eagle-init-brd.c Generate component arrangement congruent with Schematic and generate translate and rotate commands eagle-to-circuit.c Read EAGLE XML packages and netlists, write .circuit file for striprouter Basic usage examples or boilerplates: binfmttest.c Test binary format readers buffertest.c Test I/O buffer system, chaining with zlib/bzip2/lzma filter dnstest.c Test DNS resolver httptest.c Test HTTP client jsontest.c Test JSON parser strarraytest.c Test array of char* pointer functions xmltest.c Test XML reading with callbacks (diet version of SAX) xmltest2.c Test XML reading as tree (diet version of DOM) xmltest3.c Test XML traversal and selection (diet version of getElementBy* and XPath) xmltest4.c Test XML query ziptest.c Simple universal file compression of *.gz, *.bz2, *.xz based on file extension