It's a demo web application written using kotlin language for JVM. Essentially it's a website allowing user to upload pictures to GCP Storage, automatically annotate content using GCP Vision and even read it using TTS GCP Text-to-Speech
It highlights use of kotlin for backend, Google Cloud Platform APIs and kotlin type-safe html builder
- kotlin 1.3.41
- kotlinx.html 0.6.12
- http4k 3.163.0
- Google Cloud Client SDK 1.36.0
- Make sure you have java 8 installed
- Specify environment variables:
- GOOGLE_STORE_BUCKET - name of the bucket for pictures
- GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS - path to the json credentials file, as described in documentation
- run
./gradlew run
in project's root - open your browser at http://localhost:9999
It's a demo project originally developed for demo for GDG Cloud London meetup by Ruslan Zaharov[ruX].