- 1
- 3
Contradiction against rulebook for PDD
#14 opened by poetslipvis - 4
Another suggestion for Improvement
#6 opened by poetslipvis - 15
- 3
Parallel fifths allowed on different beats?
#11 opened by paucazou - 5
Leading tone in minor
#12 opened by paucazou - 1
Provide a solid and up-to-date rules reference
#13 opened by rualark - 2
Better control of non-hq playback
#8 opened by poetslipvis - 5
Melodic climax not implemented?
#10 opened by paucazou - 5
Confusing error message
#7 opened by poetslipvis - 1
Pause repeats should not be shown as mistakes
#9 opened by rualark - 4
#4 opened by poetslipvis - 6
- 1
It's not intuitive how to add notes
#1 opened by paulrosen - 0
LogRocket confirmation
#2 opened by rualark