
Simple implementation of a RESTFul API to validate passwords.

Table of Contents

Project Dependencies

The project uses the following technologies:


To setup the project, run the following steps:

  • Install the dependencies listed on the previous session
  • Clone the project using git clone
  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Start the server with mix phx.server

The application server will be available at localhost:4000.


To run the project's tests, run mix test.


This system is a RESTFul API that implements password validation. It has a single endpoint.

Validate a password

This action will create a new user account.

POST /validate_password


Name Type Description
password string Required. Password to be validated.


  "password": "AbTp9!fok"


Status: 200 OK
  "password": "AbTp9!fok",
  "valid": true

Response when password is not present:

Status: 500 Internal Server Error
  "errors": {
    "detail": "Error: Please provide a password."

Technical Decisions

The logic for validating passwords is exposed on the PasswordChecker module. The module contains a list with all the rules used for validating a password. Each rule on this list is a module that implements the PasswordChecker.ValidationRule behaviour, which means that it must implement a valid?/1 function that receives a password string and returns a boolean indicating if the password passes the validation.

The PasswordChecker.valid?/2 function iterates over this list passing the password to be validated through each rule, and then checks the result. If the password passes all validations, it returns true, if the password fails on one or more validations, it returns false.

With this architecture, the logic for each validation is isolated on its own module, making them easier to maintain. This also makes it easier to add or remove validation rules, so when there is a need to do that, it is possible to just update the @validation_rules list and add or delete the respective module.