
A demo application showing the power and speed of vert.x

Primary LanguageJava

Vert.x Demo

This project is a very simple Vert.x 3 application and contains some explanation on how this application is built and tested.

Project structure

├── src                     # Source files
    ├── main                # Java classes and verticle
    ├── test                # Unit and automated tests
├── build_and_run.sh        # Build and run project on local host    
├── Dockerfile              # Self explanatory
├── docker-compose.yml      # Docker but cooler
└── README.md               # You are here


You build the project using (assuming you already have Maven installed):

mvn clean package

To build and run locally just execute the build_and_run.sh shell script

sh build_and_run.sh

NB: the tests will also be executed when you run this script. If the tests fail, the server won't startup.


The application is tested using vertx-unit.


The application is packaged as a fat jar, using the Maven Shade Plugin.

Used to compile the sources maven-compiler-plugin.

Code checks

Check for bugs Findbugs Maven Plugin.

Check code style maven-checkstyle-plugin.


Once packaged, just launch the fat jar as follows:

java -jar target/sortingapi-1.0-SNAPSHOT-fat.jar

Docker (Local)

To build and run the docker image:

$ docker build -t demo/krankit-vertx .
$ docker-compose up


  • Add and improve logging
  • Create 2 separate verticles (sender receiver) and cluster the event bus
  • Add zookeeper for cluster management
  • Deploy with docker stack/swarm