
Web scraper developed with Python in order to build text corporas from articles in "Folha de São Paulo" under a specific set of conditions.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


  • Python web scraper, part of a Natural Language Processing (NLP) project, consisting of a linguistic study between two corporas. Both corporas were built with articles scraped from "Folha de São Paulo", ranging 1 month around the opening and with 20 years of difference between each corpora.

  • The project was developed as part of the evaluation method for "ILC - Introdução à Linguagem Computacional" (Introduction to Computational Linguistics), at UFABC - Universidade Federal do ABC.

  • The scraper was built to make a robust corpus for further textual analysis. It is built and tested to be used under a very specific set of conditions, and only works at folha.com.br, as the needs for the project.

  • The corpora consists of texts about Soccer World Cup from two distinct years, into a 1 month range around the '94 and '14 World Cup opening dates, containing the words "Copa do Mundo" and also, with the '94 text search options including "printed version".


Script is not meant to be used in order to bypass the subscription system.

During the development process, the group had an account with a recurring payment in order to have full access to the website.

Content (to be updated):

  • 1st cell: imports;

  • 2nd cell: first search page (must be in "Edição Impressa") and search result count (reference to calculate amount of pages to be swept);

  • 3rd cell: save all page content and all page titles in separated lists;

  • 4th cell: create files for every saved text in the input directory (both single files and a stacked version);


  • Better README.md
  • Refactor;
  • Add NLP processing files and bring results;

RUAN FERNANDES, Matheus Costa, Vitor Miguel. UFABC, Aug/19.