Random forest mulithread implement of Project2 Non-Linear-Classification-SYSU-2015


Project 2 of Data Mining course (instructor: Dr. Yan Pan) for the students of School of Software, Sun Yat-sen University

This is Project 2 of the Data Mining course (instructor: Dr. Yan Pan) in 2015 for the students in School of Software, Sun Yat-sen University.

This is a classification task. Please use what you have learned from our course and write an algorithm to train a classifier.

There are 26 classes and 617-dimensional features for each sample. There are 6238 training examples and 1559 testing examples.


OpenSUSE, gcc/g++ 4.8.3


    1. Compile the source code
    • g++ -o RF RF.cpp -lpthread
    1. Make sure train.csv and test.csv are in the same directory of RF
    1. Run the program
    • ./RF


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