
an extremely easy static site generator of markdown documents

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Loppo is an extremely easy static site generator of markdown documents. You get your site with only one command. Please visit demo.


How to use

Attention: Loppo is still in its very early stages. Use it in production at your own risk.

First of all, arrange your documents into the following structure.

|- myProject
   |- README.md
   |- docs
      |- page1.md
      |- page2.md
      |- ...

Now, install Loppo.

$ npm install loppo -g

Enter your project directory.

$ cd myProject

Run the command.

$ loppo

Now, Loppo will build the document site under dist sub-directory. After the building process, you could open the site in your browser.

$ open dist/index.html


GPL v3