
In this app there are multiple libraries. In each library there are multiple librarians and books. So basically a member can borrow a book from the library only if he is a member.

Processes and Services:

  1. Book is issued by the librarian and then has to be returned within a due date of 7 days.
  2. If at all he doesn't return the book on or before the due date he is going to pay the fine as assigned by the library standards.
  3. I have implemented the concept of
    so that as soon the book is returned it is shown available for the rest of the members of library.
  4. A member can borrow only limited books from the library.

To run this in your system:

Clone this repo in your system:

git clone

Get inside the repo, type this is terminal:

cd Library-Management-System

Create a virtual environment inside the repo:

python3 -m venv .venv

After that activate the virtual environment by typing:

source .venv/bin/activate

Next step is to install all the dependencies into your virtual environment:

pip3 install 

Next get into the project directory by typing:

cd LMS

Type 3 commands in order before for the project to run:

python3 makemigrations
python3 migrate

Now to access the admin page before running the server create a superuser:

python3 createsuperuser
fill the details :
username: <ur choice>
email: <optional>
password: <password>
confirm password: <confirm the password>

After filling all these to run the project:

python3 runserver

The app runs the server in the development mode. Open to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console. ```