
This is just a testing project

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel & Vue.js Project

This project is a web application built using Laravel and Vue.js. I am working on it. It is just a test project.

Table of Contents


Clone the Repository

First, clone this repository to your local machine using Git:

git clone git@github.com:rubayetdev/Laravel-Vuejs.git

cd your-repository

Install Laravel Dependencies

Install the required Laravel dependencies using Composer:

composer install

Install NPM Dependencies

Install the required Node.js dependencies:

npm install


Environment Setup

Copy the .env.example file to create your .env file:

cp .env .env

Generate Application Key

Generate an application key, which is used for various encryption services:

php artisan key:generate

Set Up Environment Variables

Open the .env file and configure your environment variables, such as database settings, mail configuration, and other services. Here's an example configuration:

APP_NAME="Laravel Vue App"


Add your other environment variables here

Database Setup

Run Migrations

Migrate the database to create the required tables:

php artisan migrate

Frontend Setup

Compile Assets

Compile the frontend assets, including JavaScript and CSS:

npm run dev

Vue.js Integration

This project is set up with Vue.js. You can find Vue components in the resources/js/components directory. To add a new component, create a .vue file in this directory, and reference it in your resources/js/app.js file.

Vue.component('example-component', require('./components/ExampleComponent.vue').default);

Running the Application

Start the Development Server

To start the Laravel development server, run:

php artisan serve

To start the Vue Js development server, run:

npm run dev

File Structure

├── app/                    # Application logic and models
├── bootstrap/              # Bootstrap framework files
├── config/                 # Configuration files
├── database/               # Database migrations and seeds
├── public/                 # Publicly accessible files (e.g., index.php, assets)
├── resources/              # Views, languages, and frontend assets (CSS, JS, Vue components)
├── routes/                 # Application routes (web.php, api.php)
├── storage/                # Logs, cache, compiled Blade templates
├── tests/                  # Automated tests
└── webpack.mix.js          # Laravel Mix configuration file for asset compilation


  • Laravel Backend: Utilize Laravel for backend logic, routing, and data management.
  • Vue.js Frontend: Build dynamic user interfaces with Vue.js components.
  • Authentication: Basic user authentication and registration features.
  • CRUD Operations: Fully functional Create, Read, Update, Delete operations.
  • Responsive Design: Mobile-first, responsive design using Tailwind CSS.


Contributions are welcome! If you want to contribute to this project, please fork the repository and submit a pull request.


This project is open-source and licensed under the MIT License. Author: Sheikh Md. Rubayet Islam Ifti