Frontend code for SaveTheInternet in Europe

Primary LanguageCSS


Frontend code for savetheinternet.eu


The content files for each language (based on the English originals) can be found here:


Example - content files for English site:

├── config.yml
├── faq
│   └── index.md
└── index.md

Set language to be ready for building (and deployment)

To mark certain languages ready to be built (and deployed) add the corresponding two-letter-codes as a new line in:


Build & Deploy

!! Please refrain from building this for translation purposes, the only things needed for doing translations are the listed steps from above. !!

Setup build environment:

  • Download and install ruby 2.3.0
  • Install ruby dependencies:
cd /STI-UI
bundle install
  • Download and install node.js v5.7.1 via the official installer or via nodenv (we use 5.7.1 locally in themes/sti).
  • Install node.js dependencies:
cd /STI-UI
npm install

Run without parameters to see usage of build & deploy script:

cd /STI-UI