
Frontend site for battleforthenet.com

Primary LanguageCSS

Battle for the Net!

Don't let the FCC kill net neutrality! The Battle for the Net is a collaboration between Fight for the Future, Demand Progress and a coalition of people and companies who care about keeping the Internet free. If you have a web site, you can get involved by embedding our FCC Contact Form. Or, if you have technical skills and time to volunteer, you can help us win one of the biggest fights for Internet freedom EVER!

Embed our FCC Contact Form

We've created a form that lets people directly contact the FCC to comment on their "14-28 Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet" proposal, which could actually destroy the Internet by allowing ISPs to extort money from web sites and startups.

If you want to embed our contact form, use the following code: (See it in action at netneutrality.com!)

<iframe src="https://www.battleforthenet.com/embed.html"
    style="width: 100%; height: 480px;"></iframe>

Contributing to our code

We are looking for skilled web developers to help us build the front page on our battleforthenet.com site. You can see our code right in this Github repo by switching to the gh_pages branch, and you can see the work we need done on our Battle for the Net Trello board!

If you're interested in volunteering, contact jeff@rubbingalcoholic.com or check out https://fightforthefuture.github.io/volunteers for more information about volunteering.

A note about Less for CSS

Our styles are written in Less, a pre-processor language that gets compiled to CSS. All of the styles for the site live in




So to do this, via the command line, you would use the lessc command with the -x option (to minify). Example:

lessc ./less/css/battleforthenet.less -x > ./css/battleforthenet.css

There are also GUI utilities, such as WinLess that will monitor your less files for changes and automatically compile to the location of your choice. This is useful if you make a lot of style edits or don't want to manually recompile after each one.

Two more things to note about our Less implementation:

  1. Only the less/css/battleforthenet.less file needs to be edited. The other .less files in the project are automatically included during compilation.

  2. The compiled, minified css/battleforthenet.css WILL CONFLICT each time a git pull comes down with style changes from another commit. Don't worry. Just compile what's in the latest less/css/battleforthenet.less file and commit the resulting .css file to resolve the conflict.

Grunt: an easy way of compiling Less to CSS

If you're having trouble compiling the Less code (seems to be an issue for developers on OS X), consider using Grunt. This will always be the most reliable way, but requires using terminal. Like the WinLess tool, Grunt can watch for changes to the battleforthenet.less file and automatically minify and compile.

Installing Grunt

  1. You must already have Node.js and npm installed. See this post for OS X installation instructions.
  2. Open a terminal and cd to your project directory
  3. Enter npm install and wait. That's it!

Using Grunt

  1. Open a terminal and cd to your project directory
  2. Enter grunt
  3. Grunt will watch for file changes to battleforthenet.less and auto-compile.