
An Alfresco AIO starter kit to start creating Alfresco Share widgets with ReactJS

Primary LanguageCSS

Alfresco Share ReactJS

This is a starter project for those wishing to make a ReactJS application inside the Alfresco Community ECM and was created initially for a hackathon project for BeeCon 2016. It was made by using the Alfresco AIO tutorial namely, the alfresco-aio archetype was install using maven. Then, the demoamp code for the application was removed.


Modern web application development have turned to using JavaScript MVC frameworks to provide structure on top of vanilla JavaScript and provide useful features.

ReactJS is one such JavaScript MVC and is particularly useful because it just represents just the "View" part of MVC. This allows the developer to re-use controller and model logic within a project such as Alfresco Community or make use of other controller and model libraries to suit their needs. A full feature list of ReactJS as well as further documentation can be found here.

Heck, even Alfresco One wants to move to AngularJS at some point!

Getting started

Clone the repository and start the runner

git clone https://github.com/rubble/alfresco-share-reactjs && cd alfresco-share-reactjs && sh run.sh

... this may take a while! (It took 3-4 minutes on my 2014 MBP). What it will do is grab all the dependencies for Alfresco, build all the source files, place them in the runner/ and startup Apache-Tomcat and Solr.

Once loaded, login at and use the default username/password admin/admin. Click on the dashboard cog, add the dashlet and you should see:

A screenshot of the dashboard with the React widget



The dashlet code follows the conventions for creating and authoring Aikau Dashlets. The entry point for the react widget is located at:


The main guts of the program, however, are found in:


You'll need to compile JSX into ES5 JavaScript to get it to work so:

cd JSX/
npm install  # this grabs babel, babel-es5 and react
babel --watch JSXComponents.jsx --out-file JSXComponents.js --presets react

Then you'll need to symlink this into the widgets directory.

ln -s JSXcomponents.js /Users/emlyn/vidirepo/alfresco-share-widget-reactjs/share-reactjs/share-reactjs-share-amp/src/main/amp/web/js/react-widget/dashlets/widgets/JSXcomponents.jsx

Not particularly smooth, I know, but this was a hackathon project so your lucky there is any documentation! Have fun!