
[BUG] After merger of GoPro MAX files, sometimes a part of the video becomes jumpy

ydutertre opened this issue · 19 comments

Describe the bug
After merger of GoPro MAX files, sometimes a part of the video becomes jumpy. Each individual GoPro MAX file is fine, playback is very smooth. But after merging via Reelsteady, sometimes (not always) part of the video (usually the part corresponding to the last clip being merged) will become jumpy, with the FOV bouncing abruptly every few seconds.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Merge multiple GoPro MAX files (as attached)
  • Check the created file, especially the portion corresponding to the last clip

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows
  • Version 22H2
  • ReelSteady Joiner Version 1.3.2

GoPro camera and files information
(If applicable)

  • GoPro Model: GoPro MAX
  • GoPro Files info: .360 files at 5.6K, 30fps

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

[IMPORTANT] Video Files
(files being uploaded, will be ready a couple of hours after posting)
After joining these files you can look at around 1:15:30 (or any other time after that or within 9 minutes 28 seconds of the end) to see the footage jumps every few seconds. This seems to correspond to the last clip joined (the clip itself doesn't have this jumpiness).


GS010094_Jan 19, 2024 6-57 PM.log

is there any quickfix on how to avoid that?

I'm reviewing it, during the next few days I hope to be able to tell you something more.

I experienced this issue starting with the second clip. the first clip (8:02min) long is fine and right when the second clip begins there is a strong shaking in the video until the end of all clips.

Unfortunately no, I have not yet been able to identify the problem. If you could share your clips it would be a big help in trying to find the problem.

sorry, I would love to help, but these are private family vacation recordings

Thanks for looking at this! Please let me know when it would be OK for me to delete the clips from cloud storage, as they are eating up my quota :-)

No urgency on my part, for now I'm manually converting the clips to MP4 then joining in DaVinci Resolve before injecting back 360 metadata, seems to work fine as a workaround

You can delete the clips without any problem!

I'm having problems with your files, I'm only able to load up to minute 21:44 in GoPro Player, is this same problem happening to you too?

@ydutertre I think I have it, throughout these days I hope to be able to share a pre-release so you can carry out your own tests

I am also excited! Looking forward to the pre-release

I have just released a pre-release with new changes that should solve this problem, there is a new option: Processing type, I recommend using it with the value: MP4Merge, carry out your own tests, I hope this will solve the problems.

ReelSteady Joiner 1.3.3-beta

It would be helpful to know the test results!

I had the same issue, just tried the beta 1.3.3 release and can confirm the jumpiness is gone. Thank you! on Macbook Pro M1 Pro.

Tried on an intel mac mini and got an "Unhandled Error"

Error: spawn /Applications/ReelSteady EACCES
at ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:284:19)
at onErrorNT (node:internal/child_process:477:16)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21)

I had the same issue, just tried the beta 1.3.3 release and can confirm the jumpiness is gone. Thank you! on Macbook Pro M1 Pro.

Tried on an intel mac mini and got an "Unhandled Error"

Error: spawn /Applications/ReelSteady EACCES at ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:284:19) at onErrorNT (node:internal/child_process:477:16) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21)

I have updated the installers and the problem should disappear. If you can confirm it, I would appreciate it since I do not have a Mac with a x64 processor.

I had the same issue, just tried the beta 1.3.3 release and can confirm the jumpiness is gone. Thank you! on Macbook Pro M1 Pro.
Tried on an intel mac mini and got an "Unhandled Error"
Error: spawn /Applications/ReelSteady EACCES at ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:284:19) at onErrorNT (node:internal/child_process:477:16) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21)

I have updated the installers and the problem should disappear. If you can confirm it, I would appreciate it since I do not have a Mac with a x64 processor.

Can confirm, 1.3.3 Beta works on x64 and Apple Silicon.

I still have the same problem with 1.3.3 beta. It's better, but I still have shaking in my video clip. I have merged six 360 videos from the GoPro MAX together (total length: 40min) and experience shaking throughout the video after the second clip begins. I use the windows version of the software :)

Apologies for the late reply, I was waiting to have some long video to test it out. This seems to have fixed the issue for me! I just merged 7*24 minute long GoPro MAX clips, and I don't see any issue. Note however that I am using the Beta firmware of GoPro Max that allows longer clips, so maybe related?

@DennisOtto-dev you are absolutely sure you were running 1.3.3 beta and had restarted the PC first (I needed to do that)

ReelSteady Joiner v1.3.3 now available