
Check also the website.

This is a platform where users can set up their own market to post any kind of product to sell for free. This platform is also created with the purpose of helping users to find any kind of products, compare prices, check if the product is available or not, get the location where you are doing your marketing and get the telephone number of the business for any kind of questions. A platform where there will be no distractions and get you exactly the information you are looking for.

As a user, you will have the facility of rating products, writing your comments about the product, and viewing comments of products made by other users, before buying any.

We respect your privacy. So that, as a user, if you decide to remove your account, no data will be kept in our database. Therefore, all comments, ratings, products, address, and contact will be removed in accordance with respecting your privacy.

The whole objective of using pryices is to give you a free service where you can feel secure of selling your products, or finding products from other users or businesses. Remember, as a user, the information you provide will be the information displayed to other users in order to make a transparant platform with the exception of your credentials (email and password). Do not hesitate if you see any issues not working as expected in our site, the whole point is to provide you a useful tool available for your needs. Spread the word to your friends and let's build a free community of businesses.

How to search using this application?

When you search for any item or product you have the option for product by using the product name or you can put the name of the company, so that, you have the list of product related to that company. You have to remember that In order to find what are you looking for you have to make sure your spelling is correct, the country is selected, and the state or province is selected as well.

Can I comment, rate, or vote?

Yes, as long as you are registered and use your credentials to log in you are able to vote, comment, or rate.

How to promote my products or business?

You have the option to promote or advertise your business or products by describing on which ad you would like your product or business to be display. You have two advertisement areas to choose, and also, you can view your product on the front page (payment will be required). Please send an email to for more information.

If I remove my account will my data be kept?

No, once you remove your account all your data will be removed as well.

Can I remove, edit, add, or delete products and images?

Yes, you have the options to do so. Once you are logged in go to the dashboard, link located at the top right of the site, after that you will be able to see the options you need.

Why my location is not shown correct on Google maps?

If for any reason you are not able to view your location on google maps make sure you type your address on chrome or google search bar to check if your address is available, if so, use that address on your business to provide other users better way to find it, using google maps.