
🔎 👨 👩 A project based in Computer Vision, most precisely in Facial Detection and Recognition. This project was built using Python, C++ (C Plus Plus) and OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library). The project will contain some basic exercises and tutorials, offered by OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) Documentation.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Facial Detection and Recognition


Facial Detection and Recognition - Banner #1

Current Status

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A project based in Computer Vision for Facial Detection and Recognition. This project was built using Python and OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library). The project will contain some basic exercises and tutorials, offered by OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) Documentation.



Facial Detection and Recognition - Screenshot #1


Facial Detection and Recognition - Screenshot #2

Getting Started


To install and run this application, you will need:

The Git feature and/or a third-party Git Client based GUI, like:


To install this application, you will only need to download or clone this repository and run the application locally:

You can do it downloading the .zip file in download section of this repository.

Or instead, by cloning this repository by a Git Client based GUI, using HTTPS or SSH, by one of the following link:


Or even, by running one of the following commands in a Git Bash Console:

git clone https://github.com/rubenandrebarreiro/facial-detection-and-recognition.git
git clone git@github.com:rubenandrebarreiro/facial-detection-and-recognition.git

Built with


Rúben André Barreiro


Rúben André Barreiro


Portfolios/Blogs and Git Hosting/Repository Services

Rúben André Barreiro

GitHub's Portfolio/Personal Blog

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