
To understand the system design please go through the Link

Project Folders Structure


Includes documentations, visual representations and Design Document.


Includes the front end project. project


Includes the backend project.


  • Design the system PR #1
  • Broke the project into smaller tasks based on design. Commit

Backend Tasks

  • Setup Backend project PR #2
  • Create file-upload custom module (documentation) PR #3
  • Create /api/files/upload API and S3 files management PR #4
  • Create initial Database models PR #5
  • Create /api/users/register API and registration logic PR #6
  • Create authentication middleware and AuthService PR #7
  • Create /api/users/login APIs and login logic PR #8
  • Create /api/users/me API PR #9
  • Cleanup project and documentation

Frontend Tasks

  • Setup Frontend project PR #10
  • Setup component library and general styles PR #11
  • Create Form related components UI PR #12
  • Create Registration form page and logic PR #13
  • Create Login form page and logic PR #14
  • Create Profile page PR #15
  • Add ImagesUploader to Registration form PR #17
  • Add ImagesSlider to profile page PR #16
  • Cleanups if there is a need