This repo keeps track of my progress on Stanford's cs193p course (end-2017).
For each lecture/project on this course, a git tag will be created:
- "Lecture tags" contain the exact code (plus comments) seen on the lecture.
- "Project tags" (homework) contain my solutions to the required tasks.
This course is free and available in iTunes. You'll find the videos/lectures, slides and programminig assignments here:
- Official link: iTunes material
- Lecture 1 Slides.
- Reading assignment 1.
- Exact code not available. See tag: lecture-2.MVC containing lectures 1 and 2.
- Lecture 2 Slides.
- Exact code in tag: lecture-2.MVC.
- PDF: Programming Project 1: Concentration.
- Code for this assignment in tag: project-1.Concentration.
- Lecture 3 Slides.
- Small code changes from lecture 3 added to tag: lecture-3.Swift-Programming-Language.
- Lecture 4 Slides.
- Small code changes from lecture 4 added to tag: lecture-4.More-Swift.
- Lecture 5 Slides.
- Code from lecture 5 (PlayingCard) in tag: lecture-5.Drawing.
- Lecture 6 Slides.
- Code from lecture 6 (PlayingCard) in tag: lecture-6.Multitouch.
- PDF: Programming Project 2: Set.
- Code for this assignment in tag: project-2.Set.
- Lecture 7 Slides.
- Code from lecture 7 (Concentration) in tag: lecture-7.Multiple-MVCs.
- PDF: Programming Project 3: Graphical Set.
- Code for this assignment in tag: project-3.Graphical-Set.
- Lecture 8 Slides.
- Code from lecture 8 (PlayingCard with animation) in tag: lecture-8.Animation.
- Code for assignment 4 will be available before lecture 11. (Delayed.)
- Lecture 9 Slides.
- Code from lecture 9 (View Controller Lifecycle and Scroll View) in tag: lecture-9.View-Controller-Lifecycle.
- Lecture 10 Slides.
- Code from lecture 10 (Multithreading and Autolayout) in tag: lecture-10.Multithreading-and-Autolayout.
- Lecture 11 Slides.
- Code from lecture 11 (Drag and Drop, Table View and Collection View) in tag: lecture-11.Drag-and-Drop-Table-View.
- Lecture 12 Slides.
- Code from lecture 12 (Drag and Drop, Table View, Collection View, and Text Field) in tag: lecture-12.Drag-and-Drop-Table-View.
- PDF: Programming Project 5: Image Gallery.
- Code for this assignment in tag: project-5.Image-Gallery.
- Lecture 13 Slides.
- Code from lecture 13 (Finishing up with lecture 12) in tag: lecture-13.Persistence-and-Documents.
- Lecture 14 Slides.
- Code from lecture 14 (Persistent EmojiArt) in EmojiArtL14: lecture-14.Persistence-and-Documents-Demo.
- PDF: Programming Project 6: Persistent Image Gallery.
- Code for this assignment in folder: ImageGallery_P6.
- Lecture 15 Slides.
- Code from lecture 15 (Alerts, Notifications, Application Lifecycle) added to EmojiArtL14 in tag: lecture-15.Alerts-Notifications-Application-Lifecycle.