
An Implementation of Genetic Algorithms and Population Based Incremental Learning


  • READ ME:
  • Evolutionary Algorithms
  • An Implementation of Genetic Algorithms
  • and Population-Based Incremental Learning
  • By Tyler Higgins, Marissa Rosenthal, and Ruben Martinez
  • Included Files:
  • SATFileReader.java
  • EvolAlg.java
  • Required Arguments:
  • For Genetic Algorithms:
  • [1] Name of File
  • i.e. file.cnf
  • [2] Number of Individuals (Population)
  • i.e. 100								          
  • [3] Selection Method
  • [a] Tournament select ( ts )				          
  • [b] Rank select ( rs )						          
  • [c] Boltzmann ( bs )						          
  • [4] Crossover Method
  • [a] One-Point Crossover ( 1c )				          
  • [b] Uniform Crossover ( uc )				          
  • [5] Crossover Probability
  • i.e. 0.7								          
  • [6] Mutation Probability
  • i.e. 0.02								          
  • [7] Number of Generations
  • i.e. 100								          
  • [8] Algorithm
  • [a] Genetic Algorithm ( g )					          
  • Example: java EvolAlg file.cnf 100 ts 1c 0.7 0.01 100 g
  • For Population-Based Incremental Learning:
  • [1] Name of File
  • i.e. file.cnf							          
  • [2] Number of Individuals (Population)
  • i.e. 100								          
  • [3] Positive Learning Rate
  • i.e. 0.1
  • [4] Negative Learning Rate
  • i.e. 0.075								          
  • [5] Mutation Probability
  • i.e. 0.02								          
  • [6] Mutation Amount
  • i.e. 0.05								          
  • [7] Number of Generations
  • i.e. 100
  • [8] Algorithm
  • [a] PBIL ( p )
  • Example: java EvolAlg file.cnf 100 0.1 0.075 0.02 0.05 100 p
  • Instructions:
  • Our program takes in a file containing formatted MAXSAT
  • problems. Depending on the arguments, it will either run
  • a genetic algorithm, or run a population-based incremental
  • learning algorithm for a specified number of generations,
  • and outputs the best individual created by the algorithm,
  • the generation it was found, the number of clauses it
  • satisfies, the percent satisfied clauses, as well as some
  • information about the input file such as name, number of
  • variables, number of clauses, and the maximum number of
  • variables in a clause.
  • When running a genetic algorithm, the user can choose among
  • tournament selection, rank selection, or Boltzmann selection.
  • They can also choose between one-point crossover and uniform
  • crossover, as well as select custom values for population
  • size, number of generations, and crossover and mutation
  • probabilities.
  • When running in PBIL mode, the user can also choose a custom
  • population size, number of generations, and mutation amount.
  • They can also specify positive and negative learning rates,
  • as well as, mutation amount.